Bakugou Lemon|

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Sick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)|

You lay on your bed, coughing with sweat trailing down your forehead. Today wasn't supposed to end up like this, coming down with a fever and being forced to stay in bed by Bakugou.

'Here's your medicine you piece of crap!' he said and you chuckled slightly, wincing at the strain in your throat.

Bakugou noticed this and quickly went towards you, giving you your medicine and water. You thanked him and gulped down the pill, sighing in content. Next to you was a cold bowl of water and a towel so you got up and tried to reach the towel.

'Tried' was the keyword, so you got up and was forcefully brought back down again. You yelped, the sudden force was unexpected and a cold towel was placed on your head.

Smiling, you snuggled back into the mattress noticing the blush dusted on Bakugou's face.

'What's the face for?' you giggled, causing a scowl on his face.

'Nothing you twat!' he shouted, causing you to flinch a little. The scowl was quickly wiped off and replaced with a soft look, him now leaning next to you on the bed.

'Bakugou you're going to catch my cold' you whispered, turning your face away from him.

'I don't care' he replied stubbornly, grabbing your chin and forcing it to his face.

'U-uhh Bakugou are you okay?' you whispered.

'Can I kiss you?' he said, coming closer.

'Yeah but you'll catch-' you were cut off by his soft lips, passionately kissing you. He had climbed on top of your small frame.

He rubbed his tongue along your bottom lip, wanting entrance. You hesitated and opened your mouth, your tongues fighting for dominance.

You let out little moans, making Bakugou go overdrive. A warm pair of hands run over your stomach and rub against your thighs. Little butterfly kisses run along your jaw, down your neck. Bakugou sucked around every patch of skin he could and found your sweet spot.

He continued licking and sucking on the spot and ripping off your sweater along with your (f/c) shirt. His fingers circled you're the soft mounds of flesh on your chest, fingers tugging at your nipples, letting out a strangled moan you rubbed your hand against his cock, him letting out a moan.

His hand travelled on your waist and pulled down your pants along with your underwear, his hands now fondling your folds, rubbing your clit, he slid his finger up and down and let one in. He gradually put another finger and curled it making you scream out in pleasure. Your moans quickened and head arching back.

To your disappointment, his hands had disappeared and he smirked, seeing your pout. Soon enough his clothes were off and his member sticking up.

He made his way down, planting small kisses along your chest all the way down to your clit and licked it extremely slowly, gradually fastening his pace. You felt his warm breath fan against your entrance, letting out a moan in satisfaction and felt his tongue enter your hole, he licked and sucked, occasionally fingering you. A loud moan escaped your lips and you pulled his head deeper enjoying the pleasure. You were near your limit and Bakugou knew this.

He pulled away, another smirk on his face. His member now rubbered up (#rubberupfordan/#rubberupforallmight) he teased your entrance, slowly dragging his member up and down your vagina, he then teased your inner folds, circling his dick in them.

'Just put it in!' you moaned out and his member slipped into you, you let out a groan and Bakugou grunted.

He pushed his member in and out slowly at first, letting you get used to it, eventually, the pace quickened and both of your moans in pleasure intertwined. He gripped onto your thigh, now slamming into your g-spot.

'B-Bakugou~' you whined out in pleasure, on the brink of climax. You reached down for your clit and started rubbing it but Bakugou replaced it with his own finger and pinched it, your toes now curling, this caused the knot in your stomach to all come rushing out.

You moaned loudly, huffing and puffing letting out ragged breaths. Bakugou smirked and chuckled, pulling out his member which now was dripping with cum.

'T-that was amazing' you breathed out, laughing.

You attempted to get up but your legs failed to do so, causing you to collapse back on the bed. Bakugou pulled on his pants and crawled under with you, replacing the wet towel on your forehead. He then proceeded to go under the cover and pull you into a hug, wrapping his hands around your body and kissing the back of your neck.

A/N: This is the first lemon I've ever written and need to cleanse myself with holy water because oh god I went into too much depth. I like to write fluff so I don't know what happened here.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(26/10/18) - I am sorry but why did I find this to be normal?? just imagine how unhygienic- sorry.

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