Shota Aizawa|

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Stressed out.

Aizawa came through the door, looking as exhausted as he always did. My heart sank every time I had to see the bags under his eyes and the way he'd always sigh seeing me up at the ungodly hour he came in.

'Why are you still up?' Aizawa grumbled, slinging his bag on the back of the sofa, making his way towards the kettle. I looked at him, getting up from my place and walking over to him.

Placing my hand on his shoulder I turned him around and lead him towards the bathroom. 'Run a bath and I'll make some coffee, just promise me you won't overstay again?' I pleaded, knowing that he wouldn't actually listen to me even if I was begging on my knees.

Getting a moan in reply, I poured the boiling water into the coffee powder, trudging over to get some milk from the fridge. Placing the coffee as well as a sandwich on a tray, I walked in to find Aizawa already in the bath.

'You're the best' he mumbled, a drowsy smile evident on his face. I handed him the food and would occasionally hear his classic sigh.

After half an hour he got out and he got dressed while I got under the covers. Soon enough, I was joined and Aizawa still looked distressed.

'I know you're worried about those kids but you've got to take care of yourself' I whispered, shuffling closer to the tired man and placing his hands in mine, ' it's not healthy, they're in safe hands and-'

Aizawa looked at me, then looked at the light that was next to me, 'but I feel useless here-' a nerve in me snapped.

'Useless? You feel useless here while I'm worried sick about you j-ju-' I started tearing up, kicking myself away from Aizawa, 'how could you feel useless? I know that those kids are family to you but what am i?' I said softly, roughly rubbing the tears away that were rolling down my cheek.

'(y/n) I'm sorry' Aizawa apologized, crushing me into a hug. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me, instead he pulled me in tighter. The whole time I was being a selfish idiot and he'd still hug me.

'I'll stay here tomorrow and we can go on a date? Okay and then we'll-' 

'I'm sorry for being so selfish you're so amazing and just I'm sorry.' I said quickly, looking up at Aizawa. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back as we slowly drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys, so I've had another shitty few days so here's my favourite teacher because honestly I just love him to death.

Thank you for reading and I'd just like to ask,

If I was to do a girlxgirl one shot who would you like it to be with? 

I love you all and again thank you for putting up with this crap book!

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