Bakugou Katsuki.

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'How do you know if you're.... in love?' Bakugou asked, hair ruffled, flushed in the face and embarrassment evident on his facial expression. I tried to comprehend what he just asked me- how was I supposed to know the answer?

'I don't know, does it look like I've ever been in love before?' I replied, scribbling down the last answer from my revision test. Bakugou growled, shoving his hands in his pockets. I laughed, he really had mood swings.

'Forget about it' He mumbled, slouching his shoulders and walking off. I quickly packed my things up and rushed outside of the library, hoping to catch up with the blonde.

'Hey Bakugou!' I shouted, running after him. The boy stopped with a mixed expression of confusion and anger. By the time I got to him I was seriously out of breath.

'What is it nerd?' He grumbled and I stood up and looked him in the eye.

'Who're you 'in love' with?' I asked, imitating quote marks with my fingers. Bakugou's face exploded with red and an incoherent noise sounded from the back of his throat.

'W-what?' He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. Flustered Bakugou was cute and much better than the angry one. Bakugou turned on his heel and started walking out of school, I followed suit because hey if I was going to help him I needed to know who this lucky girl was.

He walked in front and I was a few paces behind, every once in a while he'd look back and his ears went darker every time. It was peaceful- all until he talked.

'Why the fuck are you following me?' He growled and I took a few steps back when he took a few forward.

'Well who do you like?' I asked, an innocent look on my face. Bakugou 'tched' and stopped walking towards me and instead looked me in the eye.

'W-why the fuck would I tell you?' He snapped and my smile faltered.

'Maybe I can perhaps help you?' I said, pondering. 'Only if you want- I don't want to interfere' Winking, I clicked my fingers and did finger guns as my way of trying to get away from the awkwardness.

'You can't help, I mean its you after all' He whispered, I heard. It was my turn to go bright red and I was burning.

'P-p-pardon?' I stuttered, fumbling with the hem of my skirt. Bakugou sighed and walked toward me, looking down on my face.

'I like you' he said and suddenly his face was waaay too near mine. He closed the gap and butterflies erupted in my stomach, my head spinning. This had never happened before and Id never dreamt of it happening either.

'U-uh w-well uh?' I stuttered when he lent back. He was flushed as well but had a smirk on his face while my mouth was wide open.

'S-see you later then?' I said and ran home, Bakugou shouting behind me.


A few days later. 

'(Y/n) someone wants you!' Shouted my mum at 11 PM. I wasn't doing anything, literally scrolling through my feed on Instagram hidden under my covers. Not replying, I went back to what I was doing until something came barreling into my bedroom.

'Hi' Bakugou huffed, taking off his jacket. I looked at him, bewildered and not really understanding why the fuck he was here.

'What are you doing here?' I asked, ready to get out of bed. Bakugou shut the door and made his way over to me.

'Well I was thinking about you and had this sudden urge to see you?' He SAID as if I was dumb. I was still trying to think of something to say when Bakugou sat at the end of my bed and looked at me intensely.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' he asked, inching his way towards me. I thought about it and figured why not, I had nothing to loose and I liked him anyways.

'S-sure' I answered, looking down at my hands. Bakugou tipped my head back with his hand and lowered his head down to kiss me, slowly. I quickly locked our lips together and suddenly my hands were rifling in his hair and his hand holding my back. 

Bakugou gently lied me on the bed and our make out session ended when Bakugou placed a sweet kiss on the tip of my nose.

'Can I sleep here tonight?' Bakguou asked and I nodded, panting. He whipped his shirt off and joined me under the covers, switching the light off. Everything went silent until I felt Bakugous arms slide around my waist.

'My heart literally stops when I see you, I don't know what to do. Everytime I see you I feel myself heat up and these annoying shits in my chest go on a fucking field trip.' Bakugou whispered, his breath hitting the back of my neck. Goosebumps covered my whole body and I could feel the blondes arms tighten around me.

'Me too Bakugou' I said softly, turning around in his arms and facing him.

I kissed him on the lips and placed my hand on his cheek.

'Those 'shits' in your chest are called butterflies by the way' I chuckled.


Hey guys, happy new year!!

I understand this is a little late, Ideas are running slowly and man alive school is biting me up the fucking arse but I got pretty good on parents evening and got money out of it.

Anywhose, I hope you enjoyed this (a little shitty I'm really sorry about that) and I lOvE you all with the depths of my cold heart <3 

Ive been drawing a lot on my new digital drawing pad thing nd its really fun and cool and better than non-digital.

Lots of love to you all <3

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