Koji Koda|

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A/N: I've been wanting to do Koda for a long time but never really knew what scenarios? To put him in.


animal whisperer.

You had always loved animals, your quirk including being able to talk to them. In U.A high there was a similar quirk, Koda who was able to command and possess creatures.

Due to your lack of combat skill, you were stuffed into class 1-B and sat by the window, which you had asked the school for the sole reason of talking to pip and pep, two beautiful bluebirds.

Communicating with humans wasn't really your idea of fun but still having close friends came naturally.

One day you had come across a large body, similar to your age. He had rock for his head, which came to a slight point at the top. Lying down, animals sprawled all across him.

'Look it's (y/n)!' shouted a young doe, Igna.

'H-hello' you replied, bowing.

The boy, who you finally realised was Koda peered at you, breaking into a sweat. You opened your bag and shuffled around inside finding your silk small towel.

'H-here you go' you handed Koda the towel, giving a small smile. The boy went bright red in return, wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.

'I'm so sorry for intruding, I will leave now' you said, making your way down the hill. Hands grabbed your arm and your (h/c) hair swayed right.

'Y-y-you c-can stay' Koda muttered, loosening his grip on your arm.

'Really?' you exclaimed pulling out your camera, you focused on Koda, who was now petting a squirrel.

'May I take a picture? The scene looks beautiful' you asked, gaining a small blush and nod back.

You snapped the picture, fumbling around with the piece of technology. The photo came out perfect and you grinned, popping it into your pocket.

Walking to Koda, you slid next to him and took a sneak-selfie. He whipped his head round to the sound of the shutter the camera makes.

He put on an angry face, changing it into a small smile. A shaky hand enveloped yours in a form of friendship.

'W-would you like to become my friend?' he whispered, looking everywhere but you.

'Of course!' you chirped, dropping something in Koda's hand and beamed at him.


Koda looked at the piece of paper.

'My names (f/n) (l/n) in class 1-b, meet me here tomorrow at two!'

A/N: This is a very short one-shot because all the thoughts were sucked out of my mind, another one might be put out today but one will definitely be out tomorrow.

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