Shota Aizawa|

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A/N- Would you like a 10 facts from the author thing? ;)


dorm rooms and nekos.

I walked into my new apartment, it was mixed genders which I didn't mind as long as the boy wasn't a horn dog and wanted to touch every girl he sees. I settled down my things and breathed out a sight hoping for a decent guy/girl.

'Uh hey' a deep voice came from behind me. I spun around on my heel and saw the quiet boy who sat behind me in English. 'Oh uh hello, Aizawa isn't it?' I asked and held my hand out. He took it and we shook hands.

'Well, now we have the formalities down how about we decide who's got what bed-' I ran towards the bedrooms and heavy thumping footsteps (try saying that three times in a row) followed behind me. I lurched into the first bedroom which was large, had a desk, a few lamps, and a double bed.

'This is my room' I declared triumphantly and Aizawa grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. 'Not If I have it first' and he ran and pushed me onto the couch. It took a few seconds for me to gain composure. I hopped onto the balls of my feet and charged at Aizawa, jumping on him. Both of us fell onto the floor, him wearing a scowl and me wearing a grin.

'Hey, Aizawa~ are you ticklish?' I asked tauntingly and something flashed in his eyes. I shook my head and began tickling him which caused huge laughs coming out of his mouth.

As soon as he wasn't looking I grabbed my things and ran up the stairs, throwing them on the bed.

'I win!' I shouted at him, doing a victory stance. He pouted and got up wincing. 'Fine fine' he muttered and sent me a pointed look.

'Your quirk is the one where you can vanish people's quirks right? That's so freaking cool' I said and smiled at the black haired male. He coughed and scratched the back of his neck which was covered by the scarf he always wore. 'So what's yours then?' he asked and I grinned at him again. To demonstrate I pulled him out the balcony and jumped down to the ground. 'That was one of my quirks the second was Mother Nature and ground manipulation the two kinds of joined together' I explained and Aizawa nodded.

I then gripped onto the ground and looked at the different materials under the earth. There was a golden penny about 15 ft under the ground so I pulled upwards and plopped the earth and rock to the side, sliding the penny out of the rock and put the dirt and rock back where it belonged.

'That is amazing' Aizawa looked dumbfounded and I blushed, chucking the penny back up to him and jumping to the balcony. I walked into the lounge and felt a soft material wound my chest. Looking towards Aizawa I saw his scarf was connecting us together.

'That's so cool!' I chimed and slipped out of the scarf. Aizawa went into the fridge and frowned seeing nothing was in there.

'Come with me to the supermarket?' he asked me and pulled on his shoes. I followed suit and pulled on mine, and we walked out of the apartment and down to the supermarket.


'Okay I've got the pizzas and instant ramen' looking at all the items and pointing at them, 'some chocolate and drink, do you like beer?' I asked quickly and saw Aizawa's basket with a bunch of vegetables and other healthy stuff including expensive meat which looked delicious.

'Crap are you a health nut?' I asked and he shook his head no which was a huge relief. 'You've still got to eat healthy though (y/n)' he reminded me and I audibly groaned.

'So do you like beer?' I asked and Aizawa chuckled, shaking his head no again. 'Oh thank god, I can't stand the smell of alcohol' I muttered and he smiled at me.

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