Denki Kaminari|

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Looking outside I shivered.

Fear by a thunder bolt.


Curling up in a ball and shaking violently, tears trailing down my face.


The mirror showed me the dark circles under my eyes, the pale in my skin and horror in my eyes. I was sleep deprived, the thunder sucking up all of my energy and increasing the sound.

Making my way to school was painful, seeing him was even more so. He who possesses the lightening quirk.

'Hey (l/n)-san!' hollered a perky voice and I cringed, new to such a loud voice. Denki walked over and I etched further into my seat. A look of confusion clouded his face and an awkward smile made its way taking away the smirk. 'U-uh did I do something?' Denki asked, scratching the back of his neck. Shaking my head, I focused on looking everywhere but his face.

'I'm sorry if I'm being rude its just that I'm afraid of... ligh-lightening' I stuttered, breathing out deeply when I finished the sentence. Denki looked baffled and nodded, stalking off to his seat. A wave of anxiety washed over me and guilt towered onto of me like a skyscraper. Despite his 'flirty' personality, I knew that Denki could be a nice boy and I totally just demolished a friendship with him.

Shuffling in my seat, I felt my hands become sweaty, head bursting with pain. Letting out a strangled cry, my vision went hazy, slowly turning black. Then all at once, my body slipped out of consciousness and a low hum sounded in my ear.


'-yes she's just sleep deprived. She'll be alright as long as she gets rest' said a muffled voice. I let out a groan, feeling a migraine form in my head as well as a pain searing through my right arm. 'I'll stay here just in case' Another, deeper voice said more out of desperation than a demand. Footsteps made their way out of the room and a chair was brung to the side of me.  Grumbling, I emerged from the little pit I seemed to have made in the sheets and let out a loud moan.

'Good afternoon (l/n)-san' said a familiar voice and I saw a blur of blonde with a splash of black. Jumping back in the bed I yelped. 'H-h-hi Denki' I mumbled, repeating the words. Visions of thunder clouded my mind and I gulped. Denki looked at me as if he felt guilty.

'I'm sorry, I'll le-' 'Please don't leave' my voice strained and I struggled to breathe, hearing faint sounds of crashing going on outside. Thunder was a forbidden weakness, what was I thinking of being a hero when I was afraid of mere thunder? Denki's face contorted to guilt to sympathy and my stomach dropped. Sympathy wasn't what I needed, what I needed was warmth and the thin sheets weren't giving me any.

'D-do you think you could u-uh give me a h-h-hug?' I whispered, in a second two arms enveloped me in a hug. I nuzzled into his neck and put my arms around his waist, humming from the abrupt warmness.

'I promise I will never, ever hurt you with my lightning' Denki whispered, his breath fanning the top of my head. 'Lightening will never get you unless you stand in its path' he carried on, now tracing squiggles on my back. The door opened and Denki leaned back and acted casually. 'Oh (l/n)- san you can go now. Please make sure you're more careful' recovery girl pleaded. I thanked her and walked out with Denki, giving him a smile.

'Sorry for.. that' I said and was hugged again. Denki looked down at me and pressed a kiss on my forehead, smiling at me.

'I promise I won't ever hurt you with my quirk' he mumbled into my hair and my heart swelled up with warmth, sending butterflies to my stomach.


Over the last few weeks Denki and I had been hanging out, I'd grown accustomed to his awkward flirting and attempts at getting a girlfriend but he still hasn't made a move on me which was okay.

'Hi (l/n)-san!' said a joyful voice and Denki appeared with a large grin on his face. I waved, picking up a piece of sausage from my bento and popping it into my mouth. A large wind swayed over us and I shivered. 'It's chilly today sooo- take this' Denki said and put a jumper around my shoulders. I smiled, liking the feeling of the warmth. We ate in small conversation, pointing out students and commenting about them.




Huddled under the large duvet, I grabbed my phone with my shaky hands.

'vould uy come riund' I typed, not caring that I didn't spell the words right. Denki's name appeared and I tapped the screen hastily, almost sending it to Bakugou. A few minutes later there was knock on the door and I ran to it, opening it quickly.

'Hey, hey' Denki breathed out, breathing in harshly. I smashed myself against him, hugging his tall body. 'I-i'm s-s-s-so scared-scared' I choked out in between sobs and felt myself being lifted from where I was standing.

'Don't worry, your hero's here now' Denki said in a joking matter but I gripped him tighter, not ever wanting him to let me go. 'Don't like that? Maybe... princess might do you better?' The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly and I chuckled a little, blushing furiously. He placed me on the couch and got the blanket on the couch, settling it on me. While that was happening he held my hand and rubbed his thumb over my palm.


I jumped a little, squeezing Denki's hand. He immediately got under the cover, taking his shoes and coat off in the process and placed me onto his lap. Snaking his arms around my waist, he whispered reassuring words into my ears and whenever another crash would come he'd tighten his grip. Along the way, I must've fallen asleep because my eyes opened to see a sleeping Denki.

I tried to move but he was too strong I couldn't. He must've felt me fidgeting because he woke up a few seconds later.

'Morning love' He said groggily and I blushed, being pulled tighter into a hug. 'You're squeezing me too tight-' I gasped and was let go. He chuckled bashfully undraped his arm over my waist. I felt a twinge of guilt and twiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. 'I'm really really sorry that I asked you to come over. I must've annoyed yo-' I was stopped when something soft touched my lips.

Blushing, a dust of pink coated Denki's cheeks and he started kissing my forehead, cheeks and then the tips of my fingers. 'I like every single thing about you, (l/n)' Denki said in between kissing me on the top of my head. 'You do realise you can call me (f/n)' I said, flustered at all the kisses I was getting. He paused and looked at me.

'Well then (y/n) would you like to be my girlfriend?' he asked seductively and kissed me on the tip of my nose. I let out a hum, nodding.

'I'd be glad!'


A/N: This was suggested by @Insanity_Shadows so thanks love for that (;

I don't personally have a fear of thunder but I know a few people who do.

So I'm totally whipped and yeah #SaveRebecca but honestly, I'm confused about feelings... and this is another crush like wow tWO PPL

About that crush thing a few ?weeks? ago I got his number and I'm just a pathetic person.


Fucking 40k.

I love you all.

I love your comments.

I love everything and ya'll are so calm and definitely don't comment about my failures of spelling and grammar ;))))))

Don't threat to yank drop in my messages I would be absolutely happy.

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