Fumikage Tokoyami|

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A/N: Hello! So this story is gonna be a little different. It's more action than fluff and cute so I hope it's okay! :) Again, thankyou for the reads and nice comments, the votes they all mean so much.

Quirk: ground manipulation.


You glanced up. A boy your age was standing with his head up high and a smirk on his face. He looked familiar with bright blonde locks and blood red eyes.

'Here's the new boy, Mio Tanaki. Please treat him nicely.' Moaned Mr Aizawa, rolling into his yellow sleeping bag and plopping on the floor for a nap.

All the girls looked at Mio with love and tried to talk to him. On the other hand, you sat there zoning out. New people didn't matter because you were there to become Stronger. Ever since your parents were put under a spell, incapable of doing anything without a really expensive drug you were determined to bring the rising villain down and reverse the spell.

You didn't have time to mess around with finding a boyfriend, let alone someone to love, the thought was stupid. You hung out with Momo and Kyoka, two people who you really admired and loved, as well as the rest of the girls in the class.

Mio walked over to the desk next to you and pulled out the chair, scraping it along the floor next to you.

'Hello my little flower' he said, girls staring daggers at you.

'I'm not 'your little flower' bud' you sneered, glaring at him.

'Ooooh feisty, I like it' he mused, licking his lips.

You huffed, looking at Momo who returned the sympathetic look. Mio grabbed your hand with his and disgust crawled its way up your arms.

'Don't touch me you piece of shit!' you shouted, kicking Mio away. The blonde boy gave off a bad vibe, a vibe you'd experienced before. One that made you feel terrified, fear prick at your skin.

'Look, sweetheart, there's no need for that-' he begun but was instantly interrupted by a large cough.

'Excuse me but I don't think miss (y/n) appreciates your presence so could you stop bugging her?' Tokoyami politely asked, pulling your hand towards him to steady your (height) frame.

Mio's face distorted into a face of rage but was quickly hid by the girls who crowded your vision.

Goosebumps spread along your arms and your breath quickened, that arrogant bastard had scared you even though you wouldn't admit it.

'It's okay now, he's gone' Tokoyami whispered and dropped his blazer on your head.

'Thank you' you muttered, pulling on the warm blazer which smelt of boy's deodorant with a hint of lavender in it.

'Your blazer smells nice, especially the lavender' you chuckled, looking up at Tokoyami who was bright red.

'Y-yeah my sister was messing around with it this morning' he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

The bell went off and you walked to class.

After school –

Letting out a huge groan, a cold finger was tracing itself up and down your neck, slightly digging into your collarbone.

You were pinned against a frosty wall, trying to keep your composure. You opened your (e/c) orbs to see piercing red ones. Struggling against his power, you kicked him and landed on the floor.

Your quirk allowed you to manipulate whatever you were standing on. Stomping on the ground, a piece of rock broke off then forming to have a razor-sharp end. You sent it flying at Mio who had sent out pieces of sticky silk. A horrendous pain penetrated your head and your legs gave way.

'I suppose you've remembered huh? Well, do you want to relive that moment (y/n)?' a sickly sweet voice asked and you were sitting in a pitch black room. You saw your younger self-terrified and trembling.


'DADDY!! MUMMY!!' you shrieked, running towards them and stumbling with fresh tears falling down your face.

A tall blonde haired man was straddling your father, stabbing a large needle into his flesh, your mum laying lifeless on the floor. Cackles cascaded from the crazy man and you cowered in fear. In the middle of everything you had bumped into the cabinet and a large statue fell on your head knocking you out easily, your last memory was your parents being drugged and a manic smile spread across that vile man. You woke up, distressed, heart falling into pieces after being told your parents weren't mentally alright to take care of you.


The scene stopped playing, coming back to the present. You cried hysterically, remembering those horrific memories. It clicked, the person who did this all was right in front of you.

Anger fired you up, pushing you up off the ground. You gave a blood-curdling glance at the person who made your life hell. Your body lit up, a signal of your quirk working. The ground shook and was lifted above your head, dirt and rock morphed into sharp shards, mixing together.

You made the rock-dirt shards cover the man and then let them go flying at him, instantly flying back due to the impact. Pain soared across your body but it was worth it.

A large howl came from the man and you smiled, tears clouding your eyes. Relief flowed throughout you, finally defeating the person who had ad your life utter hell.

'You thought it was all over didn't you?' the man jeered that manic smile back on his face.

His sticky silk webs grabbed your feet, making you dangle and letting out another scream due to the immense pain.

'Put her down NOW!' a voice commanded and suddenly you were in the air. You looked down and noticed dark shadow. The voice must have belonged to Tokoyami.

You were placed next to Tokoyami who had an enraged face, going into battle. It was dark so dark shadow had gone berserk and killed the man instantaneously, retreating back into Tokoyami.

Whimpering, you felt a large weight on your waist. Tokoyami was hugging your quivering body and you accepted it, blushing a little.

'T-t-thank y-you s-so-' you winced the pain was unbearable.

'Shhhhh don't talk.' Tokoyami hushed and picked you up princess style. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck and his warmth lulled you into a deep sleep.

Perhaps Tokoyami was an exception.

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