Tsuyu Asui|

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Unrequited love.

'Hey Mina!' I chirped, hugging her, she hugged me back more rough than the one I gave her.

Giving me that same, beautiful and goddamn breath taking smile again.

'Hey, how are you?' She asked, looping our arms together and walking to school.

She had that voice, the one that could make you melt.

'I'm good thanks' I replied, smiling back at her. We walked and talked, like every school morning. Topics of boys popped up in every conversation but I wasn't interested in them.

I was interested in her.

She was lively, passionate in the things she believe in and although she wasn't the smartest her personality made up for it all. She was like a snow, it can make you happy and fill you with joy until it would melt and disappear.

Now, Mina never stopped the happiness coming, it was just that her interests didn't link up to mine. Which was that she liked boys and I like girls.

She made this pretty adamant whenever we were linking arms, someone would go and say 'Oh look, the lesbians' and she'd go,

'Hell yeah we are!' in that same happy-go-lucky expression, but then go on how we were just friends, nothing more, nothing less. We were like two peas in a pod, just a big pea in the middle.

When we got to school, we went our separate ways and said our goodbyes.

'Hey Tsuyu' I said in a depressing tone, dragging my feet along the way. The green haired girl was sat sprawled along the couch we had in our little secret room.

'Whats the matter?' she asked and patted the floor next to her.

Sitting down, I took the tea that was on the table and drank it.

'I really like Mina, she doesn't't like me. What the fuck do I do?' I asked and sighed. Tsuyu patted my head and smoothed out my hair with her fingers. It was silent for a few minutes, white noise filled the room and Tsuyu's occasional finger tapping along her mug.

'...Why don't you just find another person?' she asked and I looked up at her with a 'did you really just say that?' look. She put her hands up in front of her and a blush covered her features.

'Why don't you.. go out with me?' she said slowly then looked at me, seeing the shocked expression on my face. 'Or you don't have to we can just still be friends like normal and you can carry on with the unrequited lov-'

'That wouldn't be a bad idea..' I said thinking. It wasn't as if a date with Tsuyu would hurt, perhaps the feelings from Mina would go away after a few dates?

'Really?' She squeaked, and her blush went even darker. I nodded and got up, putting my mug in the sink and sitting across from her.

'So when d'you want to do it?' I questioned and she said Saturday.

'Well, its a date!' I said cheerfully and went off to 1-B, where all my other friends were.


The train came to a stop and I saw Tsuyu in a green tank top, a large denim jacket and some mum jeans.

'You look like you just came out of a teenaged girls Tumblr page' I joked, earning a slight glare. I whipped out my phone and took a picture of her, to just save as a memory looking back at the time I'd try to get over my crush.

'Where too first Balthasar?' I asked and she looked at me curiously, laughing at the name.

'What the heck does Balthasar mean?' She asked and I smiled.

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