Bakugou Katsuki|

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5AM talks.

You were dangling off of Bakugou's bed, your face facing the ceiling. The dorms were handy for the two of you to hang out and just spend time as friends.

You'd known this troublesome boy at the age of 5, gradually breaking through the arrogant, cocky wall but he could be a douche sometimes.

'Ochaco and Midoriya got together' you mused, smirking. The way they look at each other and talk about one another was a dead giveaway. (Just a reminder that uh I don't really care if you don't ship these two like whatever you can just in your mind change the names idk so if I see another 'I don't ship these two' am gonna flip a table lol)

'Ugh that annoying wimp Midoriya actually found someone who likes him?' He said sarcastically, laughing.

You propped yourself up and kicked Bakugou in the back of the head. He growled, obviously pissed off.

'That was for making fun of Midoriya, he's not a wimp and I like him. He's very nice if you cared to actually talk to him instead of beating him up you dick head' you grumbled, having enough of his attitude.

'WHAT DID Y-' Bakugou started but finished when he saw your glare, he pouted and leant back on the bed.

Choosing to ignore Bakugou, you whipped out your phone and went onto watt pad, reading a few fluff's making you let out inaudible sounds which Bakugou found cute. Scrolling through Instagram and seeing memes that made you piss yourself.

'(y/n) what are you reading?' Bakugou asked, curious. Your laugh made him happy.

You were still ignoring him.

'What are you watching?' he asked a little louder, prodding your arm just in case you hadn't heard.

But you did.

You looked at him and back at your phone, texting Izuku. He sent you a picture of him and Ochaco which made you laugh again. Koji had sent you a few pictures of him and his animals, making you smile. Koji was a very cute classmate who communicated to you through pieces of paper.

'(y/n) LISTEN TO ME!' Bakugou shouted.

You looked at him again and smirked. Bakugou was annoyed, very annoyed. He was annoyed with himself for making you upset, which caused him to create small sparks in his hand.

Guilt swarmed inside you and you stroked Bakugou's hair, ruffling it a bit. Another text came from Koji that made you laugh.

Bakugou grunted and shoved your hands off of his hair. He didn't want to do this and felt a twang of guilt seeing the slight hurt look on your face. He got up and peered at your phone, seeing your texts between you and Koji.

His chest squeezed and he felt a tinge of anger, you noticed this by his facial expression. You said goodbye to Koji and turned off your phone and sighed.

A huge weight was placed on your back and your phone was swiped from the bed.

'Hey Baku-' you were cut off by the hurt on Bakugou's face.

'Why are you talking to him and not me (y/n)?' Bakugou moaned, pouting.

'Because he's a nice person, sweet and gentle may I add and doesn't make fun of people' you said, knowing this was annoying Bakugou.

'THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO OUT WITH HIM' Bakugou raged, huffing and puffing. You flinched, not expecting the sudden outburst.

'Because I don't like him?' you said bluntly.

Bakugou calmed down immensely, still slightly angry you were saying such nice things to someone else.

'Who do you like?' he muttered going slightly red while rubbing the back of his head.

'W-why the sudden question?' you spluttered. It was Bakugou you liked.

'Just tell me' he dragged on, slightly annoyed.

'Why do you care?' you asked, going red.

'Earlier when I saw those texts between you and Koji I felt this weird sensation in my chest and it hurt' he whispered.

'You're jealous?' you asked, laughing.

Bakugou had a sudden realisation, he liked you.

'Yes, I'm jealous! I like you-you idiot!' he said frustrated. He pinned you down to the bed and looked you in the eyes.

'Uhhh Bakugou what are you doing?' you asked, flustered. He hugged you, giving you butterflies. You dragged your fingers through his hair, petting him.

'I can't believe you like me. How is that even possible?' you muttered, looking to the right. A warm hand pulled your chin right in front of Bakugou and his breath fanned your face.

'You look absolutely gorgeous how couldn't I?' he said and kissed you lightly.

'You don't look too bad yourself' you chuckled

A/N: I couldn't resist I just love this boy too much.

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