Bakugou Katsuki|

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A/N: so here's my baby Bakugou again, the second part to the first one I wrote may possibly be coming soon. I love one-shots about Bakugou and Tokoyami and I don't know why.


You were new to the whole scene of making friends, choosing to abandon the thought as other children found your quirk 'demons work'

You possessed a quirk which could be deadly if triggered incorrectly and usually ticked when you were seriously enraged. At aged 3, reading peacefully in the small corner a boy had taken your beloved book away, causing you to injure him badly. After that situation, using the abnormality was proven difficult as large amounts of cruelty spilt out.

One day when it had gotten way out of hand, Shota Aizawa was assigned to take you under his wing (A/N: or scarf lmao) and help you contain the creature lurking inside you. At age 16 you went into U.A high and aimed to become a hero, living by yourself in a cosy apartment complex.

Having friends was exciting, especially Ochaco, Izuku and Tenya, an interesting trio who couldn't fail to make you happy.

You sat at your desk, balancing loads of pencils onto each other to make it look like a building. You sighed in content and saw an angry Shota.

'Is that really what you do when you're supposed to be listening to me, miss (l/n)?' asked Aizawa, peering at you.

You gulped, the tips of your ears turning a slight red. Ochaco gave you a sympathetic look, smiling for reassurance.

'N-no sir' you mumbled, Aizawa sighed and mouthed 'sorry' to you. You pondered on why he said sorry, realising he was trying to set an example for the class.

Bakugou, the explosive boy who sat next to you snickering. Glaring at him, you breathed in deciding to keep your anger to yourself. Aizawa cleared his throat and brought your attention to the board.

'I will be assigning you a project to which you learn about each other's quirk and either present it on a slideshow or paper, you have one week. Here's a piece of paper explaining what you need to write about and no swapping partners because I will notice' Aizawa explained and you became nervous because you didn't know that many people in class 1-A.

'BAKUGOU KATSUKI – AGE 16, U.A HIGH.' Was the document I retrieved which I gave a loud disappointed sigh at.

Bakugou, the destructive boy who fizzed on the energy to blow something up whether it human or object was your partner and you couldn't be any more upset about it.

'B-bakugou-kun w-where do you want to meet up?' you asked the hot-headed boy who gave you a disgusted face.

'The apartment complex across the street is where I live. Number 24. Meet me outside the school after its ended and we'll work on it then' Bakugou sneered quickly.

'Number 24? I live at number 25!' you said, glad you had something in common.

'Wow,' he sarcastically said, storming out the class.

'I am sooo gonna get killed' you whispered, anxiety settling at the bottom of your stomach.

The end of school-

You went to your locker, changing your indoor shoes to your outside shoes. Pain soared throughout your body as you were slammed onto the titanium object.

Letting out a strangled cry, two girls one with way too much make up on the other short and stout with her nostrils flared.

'Listen here bitch, Bakugou is mine.' One roared, picking you up by the collar. 'This is way too cliché' you thought, deciding to keep it in before the other one did any damage to you.

'I-I d-d-didn't s-say h-he was mine did I?' you trembled, flailing around.

Bakugou appeared at the perfect time, the truth was he liked you and knew where your locker was (not in the creepy way o-0) and went looking for you due to your absence.

'Talk about the devil and he will appear' you murmured, dropping onto your knees.

Shuffling onto your feet, Bakugou was seething with anger and grabbed your hand dragging you to his apartment.

His grip loosened and you got out the stuff you needed for the assessment, glancing up at Bakugou who was getting food with a scowl etched onto his face.

'Bakugou-kun what's the matter?' you asked gently looking at the angry boy.

'Don't stick your nose into it' he scorned, looking at your taken-aback expression and a tinge of guilt shot through him.

'O-oh right I'm sorry' you apologised, doing the work.

A couple hours later-

A white light trickled through the apartment window. You pattered across to the window and stared in awe. Bakugou looked at you, curious.

'What are you doing weirdo?' he snapped.

'Look at all those stars, just floating in the sky without a care in the world. Wish that was me' you said and sighed.

'Come with me' Bakugou shouted, throwing a large sweat-shirt at you and walked towards the roof of the apartment complex. You looked up and saw millions of stars, some big some small. The moonlight bouncing off your beautiful (e/c) orbs. Bakugou went a light shade of red, coughing.

The cold nipped at your hands which made you rub them together. Bakugou's hand snatched yours away, warming them up for you.

'You look really pretty' Bakugou blurted out, taking you by surprise. You covered your tomato face with the large sleeves of the sweatshirt.

Bakugou pried your arms away, coming close to you with noses touching. His hot breath fanned on your trembling lips. Caressing your cheek, he dove in, kissing you softly. He raked his hands through your hair and smiled, you returning it.

'I'm so glad I got that off of my chest' he said, smirking.

'Got what off your chest?' you asked, smiling.

'My confession- wait I did tell you I like you right?' he said.

'No, you just started kissing me' you deadpanned giggling.

He pinched you on the nose lightly, leaning in next to your ear.

'Become my girlfriend' he whispered.

'Why not?'


A/N: I didn't expect this to be as long as it is, I hope you liked it! Also thank you so much for the almost 400 reads!! 

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