Shinsou Hitoshi|

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'Shinsou-kun?' I asked, shocked to see the purple-headed boy standing at my front door with a concerned look.

'Are you okay?' He asked quickly, glancing at my cheek that had a few cuts on it. I chuckled, slightly taken back that someone would care so much about me. 'Of course I am, just a few scratches won't hurt!' I said and Shinsou looked panicked again.

'You said you wouldn't get hurt!' He said loudly, and I wasn't expecting that. 'Yeah well looking after a cat isn't my speciality' I replied back, smiling.
Taking the cat out of my hands, Shinsou sighed an I I ushered him inside and he took a seat on the floor. Earlier he sat in the same place, as I asked him if I could look after his cat. After many no's he finally gave in, after seeing the face I pulled.

'I cannot believe you, wanting to look after something that scratches you...' Shinsou rambled on and I frowned. 'Why did you want me to let you look after him anyways?' Shinsou asked, peering over the tea that I'd just gave him. Blushing, I grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap, crashing my head into it.

'I-I just wanted for him to like me so maybe he'd accept me!' I cried and Shinsou looked surprised. 'You wanted to look after my cat, so that you can feel accepted by it?' Shinsou laughed, later covering his hand over his mouth seeing the glare I sent him. Turning away and putting my hands over my chest I huffed. I felt a small hand prodding my leg.

'Meow' purred??? Shinsou's cat. It continued to prod at my leg and gave up so then proceeded to crawl into my lap and curl up. My heart fluttered at the feeling of being accepted and I started stroking it. Purrs started coming out and I squealed in delight.

'You're such a cute cat.... awwww... so amazing!' I said and a growl came from behind me. Arms snaked around my stomach and kisses lined up the back of my neck (would not mind getting this treatment) which made me break out into goosebumps. The cat mewled and swatted at the intruders hands but was lifted off my lap and on the floor the next second.

Hands trailed over my stomach and up my arms, ending up in my hair. I was now sitting in Shinsous lap, looking directly at him. He pressed light kisses all over my stomach and trailed his thumb along my bottom lip and I nodded, capturing my lips in a millisecond.

We parted, a smile evident on my lips. Shinsou chuckled and twirled my hair in his finger. 'I really really really like you, you know that?' He whispered and looked into my eyes. I blushed and chuckled, even if he was my boyfriend I'd always know that.

'You geek...' I said and poked his forehead with my finger. He scowled but replaced it with another breath taking smile. 'You're so precious...'he trailed and I winked. 'You too prince'

'Ugh that was so cheesy.... princess' he purred and I hid in his neck. 'You're gonna end up killing me....' I replied and he chuckled again.

A/N: so it is I author with another part! I hope you liked it and there is a repetition in words I'm sorry!!

And I totally didn't imagine shinsou as someone else *cough* would never *cough* imagine something so dirty with a certain someone I know *cough*

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