Tenya Iida|

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'Its snowing!' I gushed, picking up a clump of snow in my hands and crushing it in my palm.

'No it's actually raining' Iida replied in a sarcastic tone and I threw the remaining pieces of slush in my hand at the large boy. He laughed, putting his hands infant of his face unfortunately not in time. 

Snow covered his glasses and he stumbled on his own feet. I laughed, tumbling down next to him.

'So I really hate school' I started, picking up a piece of snow and just staring at it. Iida cleared his throat, holding his glasses in his hands and cleaning them.

'Well it's not exactly the best years of youR life is it?' he questioned and I nodded, thinking about the time my mum told me the opposite when I was just starting in class 1-B.

'Oh well, at least I'm here with you no-' I yelped, feeling a cold wet thing hit my cheek. Iida laughed, pushing me further into the snow so that he was now hovering over there.

'Uh why hello up there' I said in an awkward voice, avoiding eye contact with Iida. Being shy and awkward at the same time didn't really help.

'Hi' he flashed me a smile and rolled off, landing in the patch of snow next to me.

'I like you' he blurted out, red cheeked, hair tousled and a shy smile on his lips. I made a strange noise out of the back of my throat and nodded.

'Well, the feelings mutual' I replied, my voice kind of stuttered the words out. 


Sorry for the extremely short one shot, ive got slight writers block. 

Its really bad.

This weeks been crap, like everyday I just feel like whats it gonna be today.

Boys really piss me off, some are such assholes and I just can't wit them. They were making fun of a baby being hit against a tree (morbid I know) and it was disgusting. I was sitting at a table where they were making sexist jokes and how fucking childish can you be? I obviously know not all boys because this boy in my class is an absolute sweetheart oHMG.

they also make me really uNCOMFORTABLE.

So I hope you're having a really good week and next weeks to come and its almost Christmas!!!!!!! and I love you all.

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