Bakugou Katsuki|

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'Oi bitch!' A rough voice called out. I carried on walking, ignoring the shouting.

'Hey you piece of crap, I was talking to you!' Said the voice again, but now it was more louder and an arm gripped tightly onto me.

'Yes?' I questioned, looking at Bakugou Katsuki with a sour look on my face. Honestly, why did he have to bug me? The blonde kind of looked at me surprised and then 'tched' with red splotches on his cheeks.

'Can you teachmyhowtobakeacake' he said quickly, whispering the last words. I frowned and leaned closer. He leaned back and nudged me a little.

'What was that? You whispered the last part' I said bluntly and Katsuki growled, looking to the side.

'Can you teach me how to bake a cake' he said the sentence slowly, as though talking to a dog. I face palmed and started chuckling which I got a glare from.

'Lord explosion murder, wants me to teach him how to make a cake?' I said and he deepened his glare at me, clenching his fists. 'Colour me surprised but sure, I'll help you' Katsuki smirked and relaxed his shoulders down to his hands, man did he have anger issues.

'What do I get in return?' I asked, smiling sweetly at him. If I was going to have to put up with a bunch of insults thrown at me, I may as well of gotten something out of him. Bakugou pondered sin it for a while and his eyebrows narrowed.

'I don't know, what would you like?' He asked and I smirked, thinking. 

'We'll come back to that later, however meet me at this address-' I scribbled down my apartment number and what street it was at and folded it, getting it snatched off me. 'On Saturday at 7 pm just come round' and then I walked off.


The door rang and I saw a pissed off Bakugou.


'That fucking school, stupid fucking Deku, stupid Brats' mumbled Bakugou, his hands crackling.

'Hello princess boom boom, are you okay?' I asked Bakugou sarcastically and he snarled, I could see that his finger nails were digging into the palms of his hand. Walking into the kitchen, I got all the ingredients for a cake and splayed them on the counter.

'Okay!' I smiled and Bakugou grunted, pulling up his sleeves. 

'So, could you go and set the oven on 180C please?' I asked Bakugou and he nodded, waddling over to the oven. I shook my head, lining the cake tins and opening up the dry ingredients that were in bags.

'First of all, we need to get some butter and sugar-' Bakugou picked them up, bringing the weighing scales with him as well. While giving me the butter our finger tips touched and Bakugous ears tinged red. '-then weigh them'

Bakugou set up the scales and tipped the bag of sugar into the bowl that was on top of the weighing scale. Suddenly, the whole bag came out and it went everywhere.

'Shit, fucking hell' I laughed, taking the bag that was in Bakugous hand and putting it onto the side. Bakugou had a curious look on his face and look embarrassed? 

'Why the fuck are you laughing?' he growled and I continued laughing, cleaning up the floor and the little piece of sugar that king douchbag had sprinkled everywhere.

'Nothing, nothing' I said mindlessly, setting up the scales again and handing Bakugou the sugar again. Instead this time, I'd put my hands under Bakugous so he wouldn't screw it up this time.

'You have to do it gently you doof, or you'll fuck it up.' I chuckled and watched Bakugous face turned from curious to focus. We weighed out the sugar and Bakugou looked generally impressed by the fact he did the worlds most easiest task. When he noticed I was looking, the look was wiped off his face and he coughed.

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