Yagi Toshinori|

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Take Care.

'This is the third time!' I stressed, taking all of Toshinori's pills and tipping them into my hand, popping each one into the blondes mouth. The man gave me a weak smile, as weak as he was in this current moment.

'S-sorry' he muttered, swallowing the pills. They weren't as handy as Recovery girl, but could help him regain his health slowly. Shaking my head, I sighed and pulled out the pillow from underneath the table and propped it under his head.

'You can go home now' he said in a stained voice and I sent a menacing look his way, which made his face go blank. 

'Home? you want me to go home?' I said in a loud voice, not too loud because of the neighbours but man he made me annoyed.

'I-' picking up the first aid box I got out some tweezers and put a cotton ball in it, coating it in hydrogen peroxide and dabbing around the wounds, '-care so fucking much about you and you think I should-' Toshinori groaned and winced, '-go home?!' Huffing, I moved onto cleaning it.

'Why'd you care so much about someone like me?' he asked, his eyebrows knotting together. I'd known this boy since our UA days and he asks this stupid question?

'That doesn't matter-' I cleared my throat, looking away. I could feel my cheeks burning and I felt Toshinori's clammy palm press against my head. 

I gently took his hand away, getting out the bandage and dressed his wound. He went too far- again and I was getting sick of it. Sighing, I lifted myself up and dusted my clothes off moving over to close the first aid box.

'I'm sleeping round tonight, on the couch. I'll cook dinner so can you please not move?' I asked softly, and the hero nodded, fidgeting until he got comfortable. I smiled at him, making my way over to the kitchen.

Putting on the stove, I put a few strands of spaghetti into the pot and put meatballs on. After half an hour it was all ready. Shovelling his portion onto a tray, I propped him up so he was sitting and put the tray on his lap.

'We've got a problem' Toshinori said and looked down at both of his arms, both limp and probably dead.

'Of course' I whispered sarcastically, wrapping my food in film wrap and settling beside him.

'Open up wide' I said childishly, putting on a mock giddy face and putting the spoon in his mouth. Again, the blonde only smiled weakly and hummed. 

'I can't believe-' I picked up and meatball and put it in his mouth '-that you almost died! If I lost you, I wouldn't be able to handle it-' I picked up a few strands of spaghetti and dropped them in his mouth '-I'd be destroyed. You're like family, possibly even more!' I stressed and Toshinori gulped down, looking at me wide eyed.

'More?' he asked hoarsely and I mentally face palmed, clamping my mouth shut. It carried on with me feeding the toddler across from me and earning hums in response. It was silence, besides from the occasional clearing of throats or awkward eye contact.

'Do you want more?' I asked, getting up and making my way over to the kitchen. He shook his head no, thanking me for the meal.

'I'd do anything for you, don't hesitate to ask. I can't cope with all the messages telling me you've hurt yourself again' I said sternly and he looked at me sheepishly, moving down the couch. 

'Yeah but then you worry, and I don't want that' he explained, shooting me looks. I'd calmed down now and sat on the edge right next to him. He looked up at me and then with wobbly arms encased my hand in his. 

'Thank you for everything, it really helps. You're even more helpful than recovery girl' he whispered the last part and I chuckled, my face going red from the compliment.

'Shut up you dork, I really love you' I laughed, and realised what I'd said. It just slipped out of the blue, like an unexpected turn of events. His head whipped up to meet mine and I cringed, wishing I was currently not in the conversation or situation I was present and responsible for.

'The feelings mutual' he replied, more casually than I thought. I burst out laughing and Toshinori looked so confused. I kissed him on the cheek and activated my quirk: levitation. I picked up the frail man in front of me and awkwardly went into his room, softly putting him on his bed. My body went weak, the stamina draining quickly. 

I fell next to him, limp. Toshinori attempted to help me but I willed myself to get up. 

'You've got to stop doing that!' He said and I looked at him and said sacastically, 'Well atleast I won't die doing it' his face contorted to worry to guilt.

'Sleep with me?' He said quickly and I felt my face explode. 

'W-w-w-what the actual hell?' I said harshly, backing up. Toshinori flung his arms out in front of him, waving them about and said no about a million times.

'Not like that! Just can you come and sleep next to me?' He asked, his voice rising. I felt my heart slow down and coughed.

'Y-yeah sure' I stuttered and took off my shoes, clambering in next to him. I turned off the light and faced opposite him. 

'Look at me for a second (y/n)' he whispered, his hot breath fanning the back of my head. I rolled over and felt his soft lips press against mine.

'Thank you, for looking after me, for worrying about me. You mean a lot-' he breathed in deeply and put his hand on my cheek. 'Will you be my girlfriend?' he asked and I nodded putting my hand over his.

'Of course, y-you idiot' My voice cracked and tears slid down my cheeks. For years I'd had this silly crush on him, ever since the day he'd helped me in the entrance exams.


'Morning you oaf' I said when I head the pattering of feet go across the floor. I heard a grunt, then suppressed laughter. 

'I can't believe you just laughed at my insult towards you' I chuckled and two arms slid around my waist. He peppered kisses over my neck and I nuzzled into his touch. 

'I can't believe you're my girlfriend!'

Yay, another one shot. So thais came into my head and it is currently 1 AM, the house is silent and I'm eating some cold fried chicken and coke left over from my dinner earlier. I love it when my mums lazy and decides that we'll have take away.

IMPORTANT QUESTION: If you are dating someone, and have a crush on someone else is that and? (I don't fyi this boy in my class does and he's such a huge flirt to other girls its unbelievable. He doesn't't like me because I said about him using girls like tissues. Bitchy thing I did but seriously why do people do that??)

Also my friends found out about the lemon's and they weren't surprised, and I made a whole cover up story for it so yay me.

Melanie?? Martinez?? fUcKiNg hELL she used to be one of my favourites but fuck her now. Opinions on her? 

Thankyou for reading, I love you all and hope you have a lovely day/night/weekend/week. 

Instagram: remintie

Snapchat: rmspeller12

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