Mixed Oneshots|

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A/N: Just little imagines all in the same chapter.

Shoto Todoroki|

I sighed walking into my dorm room. Momo wasn't in our room tonight because she was visiting her parents so I was all alone tonight.

Shaking off my coat I took off my clothes and put on joggers and an overused sweatshirt, fluffy socks and a headband to get my hair out of my face. A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I speed walked towards the door, opening it. Tear stained and heavy breathed, Todoroki flung himself at me. His arms hugged me tightly as he sobbed onto my shoulder.

'Can I stay here.. please?' Begged Todoroki and my heart melted. Nodding, I shut the door behind me and led the dual-haired boy towards my bed. 'Lay here I'll be one second, okay?' I said softly and he nodded. Opening the fridge I got out some drinks, food and crisps (chips for you Americans) and made my way back to Todoroki.

'I'm back' I said and sat down beside him, popping the drinks and food on my bedside table. Todoroki hugged my waist and nuzzled his head into my stomach, making butterflies flutter. 'W-whats the matter Todoroki?' I whispered and slipped my hands through his hair, patting his head every once in a while. Sighing, he sat up and pulled me onto his lap, shaking his head into my neck.

'I remembered the time that mother... spilt hot water on me' Todoroki muffled into my neck and my heart broke, hearing how devastated the poor boy was. I could feel drops of water going down my neck and the way that his broad shoulders shook. 'Was I not good enough? Was I just there for having an amazing quirk so that people could look at me and think 'Oh what an amazing child that those two had' Was I Just for-' 'Todoroki stop' I bellowed and he stopped speaking, an eerie silence washing over us.

I brought my boyfriends head up and looked him in the eyes, he looked broken and depressed. 'You are the best goddamn thing that ever happened to me. Never say those things about yourself again because it makes me sad to know what you are going through.' I breathed out and could feel tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. 'I'm sor-' 'Don't apologise for something you didn't do, Shoto. I love you, everything about you, to your hair, the way you speak, the way you make me feel, everything' I chuckled and a tear slid down my face. Todoroki wiped it away and looked at me. Leaning in, I kissed him.

'I love you too (y/n)' Todoroki mumbled and brought me in for another kiss.


Fumikage Tokoyami|

3rd Person~~

'Hey Tokoyami' Midoriya called out to the feathery boy, smiling. Tokoyami nodded and at what Midoriya had with a curious look. 'This can make people's quirks change!' Announced Izuku, smiling brightly at Tokoyami.

Tokoyami shook his head and looked more closely at the device in Izuku's hand. 'HEY GUY-' Mina started but tripped, touching the device and setting it off. A bright light appeared and Izuku looked like... a bird?

1st person~~

Walking into class, everyone looked frantic. Going over to all the commotion I looked at Izuku. 'You look like Tokoyami!' I chuckled and patted the green feathered boys back. A tap on my back made me spin round and a bit with spiky black hair, red eyes and a black thick choker around his neck. 'Hey (y/n)' the boy said with a familiar voice? 'Tokoyami???' I said, shocked. My boyfriend turned into a human?

'Hey hey, what's the racket for?' Said a deep voice and Aizawa come through the door. We all scurried to our seats and a bird noise came from Izuku. 'What the hell?' Aizawa said and looked at the bird, who was now laughing. 'Miss (l/n) I would like you to take Izuku and Tokoyami to the infirmary' Ordered Aizawa and I nodded, walking out with them.

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