Tenya Iida|

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broken facade.

'Bakugou your well being pisses me off!' I shouted back at the tumble of insults that came my way, I wouldn't admit that they hurt me because I would be seen as a cry baby.

'Well you little b-' Bakugou started but was cut off by '(L/N)-SAN AND BAKUGOU-SAN WOULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET IN THE CLASSROOM!' Iida roared and I bit my lip to stop me from saying that he was in fact not being quiet as well. I respected Iida, I just thought he was a large fur ball with a big heart.

Besides that, Bakugou decided to also keep his trap shut and turned to Kirishima. The red head was so much nicer than the fireball in front of him.

Sucking in a breath, my pencil tapped against the smooth table and wind swept over me. Small murmurs where silenced over the swaying trees. What broke me out of the peace was a tap on my shoulder.

'(L/N)-san' said a loud voice. I whipped around oil my seat to see a smiling Iida.

'Yes Iida-kun?'

'Would you like to eat with us?'

The words were caught in my throat, feet tapping with anxiety. As long as I've been here I'd remained friendless after many requests from the girls I declined due to my lone-wolf nature.

'Perhaps another time?' I replied, deciding to use a gentle tone rather than one that would send him into a lecture about being 'respectful to your peers.'

'W-well okay then, tomorrow?' replied Iida, the hesitation on my face made him knot his eyebrows together and I felt guilty for not accepting his offer.

Nodding, I pulled out the tattered book that was ripped at the edge because I'd tripped while having it in my hand and tugged to hard at the cover. Iida's eyes glanced over the book and he cleared his throat, rushing off with a simple goodbye.


'So what do you want?' Iida asked with a small smile on his face. Confused for a second I hummed but then realised he was asking me what I wanted for lunch.

'I have no clue, what about you?' I asked, hoping that he'd have something I'd like.

'Ramen, Midoriya and Ochaco shall be joining us if thats okay?' he sounded hopeful and I nodded, may as well get this day over with so that I can go back to reading.

'Okay then I'll just eat Ramen as well I guess' I mumbled and we bought the food, sitting on a spare table with Midoriya and Ochaco.

'Hi (l/n)-san!' Ochaco perked and I gave her a thin-lipped smile. Mirdoriya waved at me and went back to conversing with Ochaco.

'Why are you always so quiet?' Iida said lowly, his breath fanning my ear. My cheeks burned and I looked at him with a blank expression. 'Because I'm afraid of people leaving' I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

Iida's eyes widened and he looked stunned as if my answer was to be something else. He looked as if the words were jammed in his throat just like mine had been the day that she left for good. She left for a reason, the illness had swarmed her in a black mist and swallowed her whole leaving a few ashes and tears that could fill up an ocean.

'W-well you wouldn't need to worry about me leaving you,' Iida stuttered and his cheeks tinted pink, as if he didn't mean to say it aloud. 'I'd like to become your friend, if you wouldn't mind?' He said a little bit louder, still so that the people across us couldn't hear the conversation.

'How do I know that?' I asked and he went silent. Iida put on a bright smile and whispered in my ear,

'Well we'll just have to find out, won't we?'

My mind felt hazy, my stomach exploding with butterflies. I was weak when it came to sugar-coated words- weaker to pet names. Iida pulled back and slurped his ramen, going into the conversation with Midoriya and Ochaco.

'You look so red (l/n)-san! Is the Ramen spicy?' Ochaco asked and I shook my head, trying to hid my embarrassment. Iidas ears and neck where flushed but his face remain the same colour. Looking down at me, he smiled and nudged my leg with his.


When I got home that day all that was on my mind was Iida. At the end of lunch a crumpled piece of paper was left in my pocket along with a piece of chocolate.

Typing in the number with a shaky hand, I sent Iida a 'hello' and threw my phone far away from me (this is what I do when someone makes me embarrassed) as if regretting what I'd done. A second later and I heard a ping.

Picking up my phone, Iida had texted me a 'Hello :)' in reply. I smiled and we had a normal conversation until,

'Would you like to go out tomorrow? :)' the text made me feel a mix of anxiety and happiness. I'd never been asked out by a guy, much less touch one! I replied with a 'Yes' deciding that I should take the chance if I've got one.

'Looking forward to it!'


so a small drabble today.

my writings a tad different?? i think and so I hope you liked it.

I really like someone. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot.

I love you all and when I see all your nice messages when I wake up :)

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