Fumikage Tokoyami|

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A/N: Here's just mini scenarios all bundled into one~ Hope you enjoy!

video games|

Tokoyami was sat behind me, his legs either side and controller snug in front of my stomach. I was currently winning at COD and he was being salty about it.

'-I cannot believe this. I was totally winning!' he huffed and I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him. I appeared right in front of him and shot him, cackling at my victory. He growled, gently jabbing my side.

'Oh no! You just killed me!~' I said sarcastically and laughed at my own joke. We started another game, and it was a tie. We stood opposite each other like it was a stare down and I felt a nip on my neck. 'T-tokoyami-' I started but was stopped when he shouted in victory.

'-YES I FINALLY WON! HAHA GET THAT (Y/N)-' but I pushed him onto the ground. We landed onto the soft mattress and I slipped my hands beneath his T-shirt and covered my cold hands all over his warm body.

'Take that ya sore loser!' I shouted triumphantly and was flipped over with Tokoyami hanging above me. 'Oooh now what were you saying (y/n)?' he said slowly and trailed his fingers over my cheeks. I flushed and shuddered, his warm fingers against my cold cheeks felt nice. I kissed his beak and in return, earned a beak rub on my cheeks, neck and hands as if he was kissing them.

'I really do love you- and when I win' I said and chuckled.

Tokoyami looked behind him and saw that I had killed him over 56 times. He looked at me seriously and then lingered his fingers over my sides. 'n-no please don't!' I stuttered out and he started. He tickled my sides for what seemed like hours and I almost pissed myself. 'S--s-top!' I laughed out and Tokoyami rubbed my sides.



I looked over at Tokoyami and sighed. He just looks so handsome.

'-so that's that question, what next?' Mina asked and I was snapped out of my daze. 'Um explain it again?' I asked guiltily and looked down at my hands and back up at Tokoyami. He saw me look and ruffled his feathers, smirking then sending a wink my way. Blushing extremely, he looked highly amused at making me this way.

'Are you looking at Tokoyami again?' Mina asked monotonously and I gulped. 'Y-yes' I replied, ashamed of being caught in the act. He was just so perfect that it was hard not to look and it wasn't necessarily a crime because he was my boyfriend. The bell rung, signalling us to all go back home/our dorm rooms. I bounced up onto my feet and bid Mina and the girl's goodbye, walking towards the door. As soon as I opened it, Tokoyami was standing in front of the window with the wind rifling through his feathers and I could've melted on the spot. He looked at me and gave me the heart-stopping smile that made me fall for him at the first place.

'Hey love' He chirped (lmao kill me) and my heart stopped. He pulled his jumper up to his elbows and loosened the tie showing of his collarbone. Obviously knowing what he was doing, he undid the second button and saw the scarlet that was covering my face. 'Why are you so red for?' he grasped my face with both of his hands and touched his forehead against mine.

'Because you're just so hot' I mumbled and he went slightly pink and coughed. 'L-lets go home!' he shouted and grabbed my hand, dragging me back to his dorm.


'Hey you can have a shower now' Tokoyami called and I got up, my towel around my neck. The handy thing about his room was that he had a shower and bath in it because he paid more for the room that I have anything else in my life. Walking to the shower, Tokoyami was standing there in sweatpants and no t-shirt with his feathers everywhere.

'T-tokoyami!' I screamed and held my hand's in front of my face. Warm hands wrapped around my wrist and he pinned me against the wall. 'Awww, are you embarrassed?' he coed and I nodded, looking at him between my fingers. The boy who was accusing me of being embarrassed had turned even redder than I was!

'Y-you!' I started and he held my hand making me shut up. 'I cannot believe it, you making fun of me getting embarrassed when' 'You're so fucking cute how could I not be?' he said and pushed me into the shower.

'Aaaaah this boy making me crazy!' < cringe 101


Surprise pecks|

I was walking in the halls when Tokoyami saw me and pinched my cheeks. 'Hey what's that for?' I chuckled and he rubbed his beak against my cheek. 'You do realise if you wanted to do that I would've let you!' I gushed and he hugged me.

'Well, if you say that it makes me embarrassed!' he whispered and I ruffled his feathers with my hand and hugged him back tighter. He was my world and I had no intention of letting him slip away. 'I love you!'


Two arms slipped in front of my stomach and I gasped. Tokoyami chuckled and put his hand in between the crook of my neck. I carried on scrolling through my phone while patting a rhythm with my hand on Tokoyami's (hand). I liked Izuku's phone and I heard a grumble vibrate against my neck.

'He only just posted that 15 seconds ago!' Tokoyami whined and I ignored him. Izuku was friendly and cute so I don't understand why Tokoyami was so bothered about it.

'Stop being so salty, I like yours a few seconds after you post it so I don't understand why you're upset' I laughed and his arms tightened around my stomach. 'Well because you mine' The way he said it was so casual, so cool it made my heart jump straight out of my body.

'Stop!' I said and stood up. I had enough of him being so attractive. 'This is so unfair! I can be attractive!' I pulled a mock-sexy face and pushed out my non-chest, earning a laugh.

'Hey Tokoyami, not everyone can be as sexy as you!' I moaned and he stood up, draping his arms over my shoulders. He rubbed my neck and rubbed my back, my heart fluttering. 'I love you so much' he whispered and I kiss his beak.


The Red Day|

'(y/n)!' Tokoyami shouted when he saw me huddled in a ball on my bed. The sheets were tangled as I had a war with them just a few seconds earlier and sweat glistened on my forehead. I'd had enough with the world and it obviously had enough of me.

Tears slid down my cheeks and I sobbed quietly into my oversized jumper. 'Go away! I look like a mess!' I groaned and crashed onto my mattress. I head a shuffling of a bag and the bed dipped beside me. I rubbed my eyes and saw all of (your favourite sweets, chocolate vegetables diet biscuits???) sprawled out in front of me.

'These are all for you, my love and if you want anything else I will be the happiest man to get them' Tokoyami chuckled at what he said and I bared my teeth at him (my attempt at smiling) in an attempt at smiling.

'Please, stay here and never leave me.' I said seriously and dragged him into my bed.


A/N: SO this was rushed and short, sorry. There's a few lil scenarios and I might re-do 'The Red Day' for a longer story. I hope you enjoyed this and I know it's crap my lil babs sorry for disappointing you >:(

I love you all and thank you for reading my story!

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