Bakugou katsuki|

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'Bakugou stop' I said, flipping the next page of my book. The blonde still wouldn't stop annoying me.

He kept on budging me, touching me and poking me all because I wouldn't give him what he wanted. My attention.

'Baby, stop ignoring me!' Bakugou whines softly, trying to pry the book out of my hand.

This always happened, Bakugou ending up annoying me when my attention wasn't focused on him. I had to finish this book for my essay but that wouldn't stop Bakugou Katsuki in a million years.

'We'll cuddle later on?' I reasoned with him, but the pout and disgruntled look was still staying oh his face like it was an immovable mask.

His face then lit up, a smirk crawling over his features.

'How about-' he started putting his hands in my waist and pulling me into his lap. 'We do this, you get what you want and I get what I want'

I fought back a laugh, instead just looking at him with curiosity. I had no clue as to why Bakugou was being so clingy. Usually he was either angry- so much more calm than his younger years but he still had either a smirk or a look of intense boredom on his face.

Bakugou leant his chin on my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck.

'Bakugou stop it I can't concentrate!' I said louder, making him growl in annoyance. I put my book down in frustration and turned around in Bakugou's lap.

'What's the matter?' I asked, raking my hands through his hair and pressing my lips against his forehead.

Bakugous look softened and he looked away from me. 'I've been working all week and I hardly see you, the few hours I can you're reading a book' he replied softly, leaning into my hand and placing his warm ones over mine.

My heart lurched a little and I hugged Bakugou tightly.

'Sorry baby, now you've got all my attent-' Bakugou presses his lips against mine roughly, making me shocked. This went on few a few more seconds until he meant back with a smirk on his face.

'Let's go to bed now, it's late' Bakugou said, putting his arms around my waist. I looked at the clock to only see it was 9 PM.

'No it isn't!' I laughed nudging him in the arm. Bakugou's smirk widened.

'Yeah but then we can cuddle and do anything' he reasoned, making the both of us chuckle.



'You're the best (y/n)' Bakugou whispered, pressing little kisses along the back of my neck.

'I know- Ow!'

A/N: Thankyou for reading this very short one shot.

So my science teachers gone now (wooooo) and I'm pretty happy with my life now so that's great.

I love all of you and I hope you have a very good day :)

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