Hitoshi Shinsou|

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So this one-shots going to be a little different it's a harry potter version. So describes the setting and houses.

Sorry if this isn't good, but if you like it maybe I could do more? :)

If Shinsou seems a little out of character (wouldn't be new my one-shots if you've been reading lmao) I'm sorry ;)


I scurried out of the library, holding about a billion books in my hand. Alongside me was my Gryffindor friend, Ochaco and Hufflepuff, Tsuyu.

'I cannot believe that Professor McGonagall gave us some much freaking homework!' huffed, Ochaco stamping. I laughed at her, earning a slight thump on my back.

'-your powers could be so amazing for being on the dark side!' said a hushed voice and I was pulled behind a wall. Looking at Tsuyu with curiosity, she put a finger over her mouth signalling me to be quiet. I obeyed her and peered over the wall where Ochaco was.

'Would they?' replied a scratchy voice which I recognized as Shinsou Hitoshi, the sixth year like me who was in Slytherin. He scratched his light purple hair as if he was uncomfortable and let out a sight. 'Maybe they will, maybe they won't, who knows?' he breathed out and I could feel my heart beating quickly. Listening to other conversations and being nosey was not like me.

'Come on let's go!' I whispered and their heads snapped our way. My face flushed, being caught in the act was not my idea of fun so I grabbed Ochaco's and Tsuyu's hands, going to the Hufflepuff dormitory and bidding Ochaco a goodbye. As soon as I got to mine and Tsuyu's shared room I crawled under the covers and let out a huge sigh.

'I cannot believe we just eavesdropped on someone's conversation, and we even got caught for it!' I muttered, feeling my stomach twist at the thought of the Slytherin's taunting us for it, maybe even hexing us. I gained my composure and went in the shower, reminiscing on the stupid act I had done earlier. Prefect duties were on tonight so I hopped out of the shower, sauntered down to the room and put on my clothes.

'Who do you think you're going to be paired with today?' Tsuyu asked, smiling at me. My heart felt like it had gone to the bottom of my stomach. 'Shinsou's a prefect as well, shoot!' I shouted and Mina popped her head from the door.

'What's the matter with you?' she asked with a large smile on her face. I sent a pointed look towards Tsuyu who just laughed and shrugged, I knew that she'd told Mina all about it. I put on my Hufflepuff scarf and slowly made my way down to the perfect room, instantly seeing Shinsou and his usual bored look. When he saw me, he scowled and looked the other way as if he was disgusted with me. I could understand, I was disgusted with me too but he didn't need to rub it in.... I did deserve it. I made my way towards the board that held all of the prefect's names and who was paired with each other. My eyes went towards my name and I saw I was paired with Itsuka, another Hufflepuff and relief drowned me.

'Hey (y/n) we're pair-!' I was stopped abruptly by the look of guilt on her face. 'I'm paired with Neito, he found out he was paired with a Slytherin and he wanted to change- so you're with-!' 'With Shinsou right?' I said in a monotone voice and I felt a cold chill run down my back.

'Yes we're paired together, whippee' Shinsou said sarcastically in his cold voice and I let out an inaudible groan. 'This isn't going to be fun' I thought and according to the look on Shinsou's face, he thought the same.


There was a deafening silence between the two of us, just the ringing of our footsteps down the empty hallways. I kept on creeping looks at Shinsou who wore the same scowl he did earlier. My smile faltered and I opened my mouth but was told by Shinsou to 'shut up'. We still had an hour to go and I was going to fit my apology in even if I had to lose everything for it.

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