Shoto Todoroki|

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A/N: Best icy-hot boy ;)

ask me.

You wandered into the cafeteria, smelling the wonderful scent of the food. You plopped yourself next to Mina, across from Ochaco and Momo who seemed to be in a heated discussion about what was the best food in the café.

'How long has this gone on for?' you asked, stuffing a piece of pizza in your mouth.

'The last five minutes, thank you for saving me!' Mina chirped and patted you on the head. You smiled in satisfaction, girls were the best. I picked up a chip and threw it at Momo, earning a glare in return.
'What was that for?' she growled, throwing a piece of lettuce that landed on my (h/c) hair.

You pouted in reply, chuckling as you felt a slight touch on your head. Looking up you saw Kaminari who had a grin on his face, holding the piece of lettuce between his fingers.

'Hey (y/n) want to go out with me to town on Saturday?' he asked. You thought about this for a while, Kaminari was known for being quite the playboy despite his sweet personality. You were going to decline politely but was disrupted by another voice.

'Why would she want to go out with you for?' you knew the voice well, your childhood best friend Todoroki asked, glaring at Kaminari.

'H-hey Todoroki stop it' you stuttered, slightly angry that Todoroki was so harsh. In reply, a light pink spread across his face and he scratched his neck.

No one ever messed with Todoroki, Kaminari decided it was a better idea to walk away, shrugging Todoroki's possessiveness off you went back to chewing your pizza again.

The bell went off, all the students all returned to their respective classes. You and the girls all went to English where Todoroki was waiting at the door. Todoroki grabbed your hand and lead you over to a discreet area.

'Hey (y/n) you're not mad about what I did earlier?' he questioned, slightly nervous.

'A little.. you've got to stop being so harsh on boys who ask me out' you said and furrowed your eyebrows. Todoroki nodded his head, his ears turning a slight shade of red and he hurried into class with you right behind him.


After school, you went to the dorm house right next to the school and undressed, getting into some comfy clothes. Everyone ate and you and the girls, Iida, Shoto, Midoriya and Tokoyami joined you in the main room where you ate snacks and watched some movies.

Shoto kept on taking glances at you, you noticed this by being told my Momo.

'Todoroki keeps on looking at you, perhaps he's got a crush~?' she taunted, punching your arm. You scowled at her, denying what she'd said. Todoroki liking you? Never. Though you liked him more than it would seem these feelings were kept secret and your friendship would be like it had always been. Just friends... A feeling you'd never felt surging through you.

You got up, getting curious looks. You muttered 'I'll be two minutes' and ran up to the room you and Mina shared unlocking the door and throwing yourself on the comfy bed. The feeling deepened as your mind wandered off about Todoroki and tears cascaded down your soft cheeks.

You felt your bed dip, looking to the side the boy who made your heart ache was there, rubbing circles on my back with his delicate touch.

'Why are you doing this Todoroki?' you croaked out, choking on a sob.

'Doing what?' he whispered.

'Making me feel like this, making me feel happier when you're with me. When I'm alone I want you with me I just can't stand it' you stressed and looked away from him.

'U-uh is that a confession?' he asked, fiddling with the bottom of his t-shirt.
'Yes you idiot'

Todoroki tackled you into a hug and kissed the top of your messy (h/c) locks, caressing your cheeks.

'I've liked you for the longest time you have no idea (y/n)' he whispered into your ear, your face going a dark red. More tears streamed down your face and Todoroki whipped them away, kissing your cheeks. This made you laugh, snuggling your head into his neck.

Todoroki twiddled his fingers with your hair and looped it around his hand. The feeling with making your eyes droop.

'Love, go and freshen up and we'll go to sleep' Todoroki commanded to which I did a soldier salute.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, the light was dim and Todoroki was in my bed

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He saw me and smiled, pulling the cover open.

'Y-you want to sleep with me?' your face went bright red.

'Yes so get in here you dummy' he chuckled. You jumped in bed and lay facing him.

Todoroki pecked your lips and pulled you in by your hips, smirking. His arms wrapped around your figure, his hands rubbing up and down your back causing bumps around that area.

'I love you' he whispered and I fell asleep.


Mina walked in, yawning. She caught the sight of you and Todoroki snuggling together and snapped some pictures for payback. 

'Todoroki huh?' She thought and closed the door, making her way to her girlfriend's room.

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