Tenya Iida|

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Ever since you were younger, you'd go to the diner across the street, eating the same meal in the morning. Every day you carried this on, like a daily ritual.

It changed from time to time, days you couldn't go a staff member would drop it by your house, going at night also, enjoying the soft music and warm feeling inside.

Like usual, you arrived ten to eleven at night, stressed from UA high. Bakugou and his explosive anger bugged you and he got on your nerves.

Sipping on your hot chocolate, covered in blankets and sweatpants a large male dropped down into the seat across from you.

'(y/n) I didn't expect to see you here?' Tenya, your loud and intelligent friend spoke, flashing you a small smile.

'I come here all the time, helps me keep my mind calm you know?' you chuckled, smiling back.

A small blush went across Tenya's cheeks.

'U-uh really? Might have to come here more often than shouldn't I?' he questioned, seemingly more low-key than his usual bold self. Picking up a piece of pancake, Tenya's eyes followed the fork.

'You want some?' you asked slouching over the titanium table a piece of pancake hanging off the end of your fork, near Tenya's mouth. Tenya hesitated, looking at you for reassurance. Your face broke out into a smile, prodding the pancake-fork on his lips.

Red-faced, he took the pancake and swallowed it.

'Do you want some more?' I asked, getting up and walking over to the counter.

5 minutes later, a feast was sprawled out along the surface, Tenya curious.

'Dig in!' you chirped, grabbing a burger and chewing it contently.

Both of you ate and talked away, until the early hours of the morning where birds started chirping.

'It's 4 in the morning!' Tenya gasped, glancing over to you, the person whose eyelids became heavy.

You nodded in agreement, giving a lazy smile making Tenya's heart pang.

Was that normal?

Halfing the payment, he gave in after a few seconds because you just shoved the money at him, the both of you set off. Along the way you'd sprained your ankle which made Tenya panic, leading to you being on his back for the rest of the way.

Tenya felt soft, however strong his arms looked. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and breathed on it which made him break into a nervous sweat.

He arrived at your house, fishing the keys out of your large pockets and went in, placing you down on the couch. He found the first aid box opened it and dressed your sprain.

'All better now' Iida said, slightly sleepy. You could feel his graceful touch upon your skin and chuckle.

You got up, being careful on your patched up ankle, trotting towards your pillow fort.

'Iida come in here!' you shouted.

'Whe- oh there you are' Iida laughed and made his way in.

He tripped and fell on top of you, making both of your minds go haywire, blushing wildly.

'(Y/N) I AM SO SORRY, I WILL-' you cut him off by hugging him, snuggling into his chest. Tenya tensed, sooner relaxing and snaking his arms around your waist.

'Thanks for everything today Iida, you really helped me' you said, kissing his cheek.

'I-its fine' He stumbled on his words, grasping onto a blanket and pulling it over the two of you.

'Can I ask you something (y/n)?' an anxious tone laced his voice.

'Go ahead' you mumbled, holding his hand.

'W-would you be my girlfriend?'

'It'd be my honour' you said.

You nestled into his neck, his arms across your back.


A/N: Thank you for reading! This story took me a log time because my laptop was being troublesome ffs. Suggest ideas.

(26/10/18) - this has to be my favourite one-shot I've ever written aha, the feedback I got was positive and i was quite happy when i finished writing it.

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