Chapter 1 - Nightmare

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Blood stained his clothes and dripped down his face. Sweat mixed with dirt plastered his hair to his forehead as swollen bumps, inflamed cuts and dark bruises covered his face and body, making him almost unrecognisable. I look at him pleadingly, my young mind knowing that there isn't much he can do for us now. 

"Jamie," I whimpered. "What's going on?"

My brother just stared at me with an emotion that I've never seen on him before; defeat. "I'm sorry, Jordan."

His gaze locks on something behind me and he instantly starts pulling against his restraints. He can't get free. I turn to see a tall figure looming over me. 

It's dark out here, and cold. So cold. I can't feel my toes. 

The figure bends down to my level. He's scary. Pieces of his blonde chin-length hair are stuck together, making is look like he hasn't washed his hair in weeks. His dark eyes are cold. There is no depth to them, no warmth, no reflection. The moonlight reflects off a scar stretching from the left side of his forehead down to the right side of his chin, pulling his lip down into a permanent scowl. 

"So pretty." He whispers and runs his fingertips across my cheek.

I flinch and try to move away, but I soon realise that I'm tied to a pole and my feet bound my rope with an anchor almost as big as my body. 

"Don't touch her." My brother snapped.

The scary man in front of me smirks. "How old is your sister, Jamie? Seven, isn't she?"

When my brother doesn't answer the man's smirk grows and he looks back down at me.

"So young... So innocent." He tilts his head to the side. "Looks like she could be a real stunner when she grows up, it's too bad that we have to ruin her."

I don't understand what he's talking about. My teacher taught me that buildings get ruined when something bad happens or when they become old and uncared for. A person can't be knocked down and crumble into hundreds of pieces. 

"I swear to God, Jimmy, if you touch her-"

"You'll what?" The scary man, Jimmy, laughed. "What are you going to do, huh? Is the big bad wolf going to blow me over with his breath?"

That's one of my favourite bedtime stories. Good always beats bad, the pigs beat the wolf. But then again, the pigs weren't tied up and the wolf didn't have as cruel of a mind.

"Hi, Sweetie," he grinned at me. "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. I think you'll get along just fine."

I nodded, eager to meet a new friend. 

Jimmy held up two fingers and curled them forward twice, indicating for someone to come forward. A shadow steps out of the dark, the figure becoming clearer as he comes towards me. He's tall. Too tall to be my age. 

"Sweetheart, this is Johnny, he's a good mate of mine. He's going to take good care of you." Jimmy's teeth reflected the moonlight as he smiled kindly at me. I don't know why my brother seems so angry at him, Jimmy seems nice.

The new boy's, Johnny's, eyes seem to glow in the dark. They're such an icy blue colour that they're almost white. His intent gaze makes me feel cold. He doesn't seem like a nice man. 

"Hi, Cupcake. I'm Johnny, and we're going to be good friends, I can tell."

"Do you like playing soccer?" I questioned with a smile. "Jamie and I love playing soccer."

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