Chapter 44 - Better

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Calum stirred beside me, rolling over and slinging his arm lazily around my waist in his slumber. Lying on my back, I turned my head so that I could see him - lips slightly parted, hair messy and sticking up at all different angles, lying on his stomach with his head turning to face me, allowing me to see the creases on one side of his face caused by his pillow.

I'd stayed awake throughout the whole night, never really knowing what time it was. I had watched the sun start to peak out around Calum's window, and watched as Calum changed positions throughout the night.

I'd heard Joy and David get up a little while ago, and parents usually get up early, so it was probably a little later than seven o'clock. But it's Saturday, meaning that it's probably a little later in the morning, but still early for a teenager. For me though, it's a whole lot later. I've been awake for the whole night, not knowing when the hours were passing.

I wanted to get up, or at least check the time, because I had things that I wanted to do today. But now with Calum practically pinning me down, I had to try to discreetly slip out from underneath his arm, hopefully without waking him - I didn't particularly want to tell him where I was going.

I looked over at him again, biting the inside of my cheek while contemplating whether I could do this or not. Deciding that I had to sooner or later, I scooted my body away from Calum's slightly, seeing what his reaction would be.

Nothing happened.

I moved slightly again, and he didn't stir.

I smiled to myself, realising that this mightn't actually be that hard. So, I scooted over towards the other side of the bed again, this time, making the space between Calum and I bigger - not just making small movements. And as soon as I did, Calum grumbled in his half-slumber state and wrapped his arm tighter around me, pulling me against his body as he wrapped his legs around mine.

I huffed, trying to squirm out of his tight grasp and mentally cursing in my head.

For the next five minutes, I waited to see if he would move or not. Which he didn't. So, I tried to discreetly push him off me, or at least loosen his grip so that I could slide out. But that didn't work either.

After ten minutes, I was fed up trying to be nice and not wake him up, so I just shoved him over to the other side of the bed. He grumbled a little and then rolled over to face me.

"Jordan?" He mumbled tiredly. "Where're you going?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I grabbed my notepad and pen and wrote my message in big letters, making it easier for him to read with his tired eyes.

I have some things I want to do today. It's early. Go back to sleep.

"M'kay." He yawned, rolling back over again to face the wall.

Chuckling to myself, I pushed myself up off the bed and made my way towards my room, carrying my notepad and pen with me. I grabbed some clothes and everything else that I needed, and then made my way into the shower.


"Good morning, Jordan." Joy chirped when I appeared downstairs. "Is that Calum's?"

I looked down at the dark blue hoody I had on, the one that Calum had loaned to me when I had a nightmare. I never gave it back.

Not knowing whether Joy would find it weird that I was wearing her son's clothes, I gave her a small smile and nodded, writing down a quick reply on my notepad.

His stuff is a lot warmer than mine.

Joy nodded. "That's because for girls these days, it's more about the look than the practicality."

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