Chapter 36 - Missing

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Please read author's note at the end :)

Calum’s P.O.V

“Cya later, Cal.” Reece patted me on the back. 

“Cya.” I called over my shoulder as he continued walking past me.

I wiped sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand as I turned around to sit on the bleacher I was standing on. I slipped my soccer boots off and pulled my Vans back on, lacing them up before digging around in my bag to find my water bottle. 


“Hey coach.” I looked up and squinted, protecting my eyes from the sun. 

“You coming to training on Friday?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

“Your mum said that you might be busy, especially with your new sister acting up.”

I cringed. New sister. I hate Jordan being referred to as my sister, it just makes everything wrong. Me loving her would turn into some sort of weird incest. If Jordan and I had sex, people would think that it was sex between brother and sister, no matter if she was adopted or not. And that would just be… I don't even know, it would just be wrong. 

Did I just think about having sex with Jordan? 

“She’s not my sister.” I said quickly. 

Coach frowned. “But your mum said that you two were getting along? I thought you liked her?” 

“No, no. I do like her, I do. It’s just weird referring to her as a sister, you know. ‘Cause we’re more like… umm, best friends?” It came out as a question, rather than a statement. 

Coach chuckled. “You like her as more than just a friend, don’t you?”

“Is it that obvious?” I scratched the back of my neck.  

“I guess it’s best not to refer to her as your sister then, ey?”

“Yeah, that just makes it sound wrong.”

“Well, don’t worry kiddo. Things will work out some time.”

“I hope it doesn’t take too long. I don’t think I can wait much longer. She’s driving me insane… I just want to be with her already.” I sighed, then realised that I was basically pouring my heart out to my soccer coach. “And I really shouldn’t be telling you all of this.”

Coach shrugged. “Well you gotta get it off your chest some time.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you Friday.” I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, suddenly feel a little weirded out by what I told coach. 

“Keep up the good work, Calum. You’ve improved quite a lot, not that you weren’t good before. Maybe you can impress her with your soccer skills.”

I laughed. “Thanks coach.”

I walked towards the car park, to see if Ashton was there to pick me up yet, and found it strange that he wasn’t there. He’s never usually late to pick me up because training always goes overtime, and Ashton comes at the time that it should finish. 

I rummaged around in my bag to find my phone. Once I pulled it out, I realised I had at least 20 missed calls from mum. Panicking, I quickly unlocked my phone and clicked on her contact name.

I impatiently tapped my foot and bit my fingernail on my index finger nervously. What if something serious has happened? Was she in trouble? Is it Jordan? 

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