Chapter 37 - Consequences

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"Where on earth did you even get alcohol from?! You're underage!" Joy yelled.

I groaned and leaned forward on the lounge, resting my elbows on my knees and rubbing my aching temples. "Would you please stop yelling? You're making my headache worse."

"I will yell if I want to yell! And it serves you right, how dare you think you can get drunk while underage after being missing for almost a whole day without any consequences."

"I wasn't missing, I knew where I was." I smirked.

"Well none of us knew where you were!" She screamed, making me flinch back. "We were out looking for you for hours! Do you know how worried I was? How worried we all were? You could have been kidnapped or seriously hurt and we wouldn't have know about it."

I chuckled coldly and rolled my eyes. "Right, like you guys care."

"Is that what this is about? You think we don't care? Jordan, if we didn't care we wouldn't be sending you to school, we wouldn't be feeding you, we wouldn't let you sleep here, none of us would have searched hours for you to a point where we couldn't sleep because we couldn't find you, and most importantly, you wouldn't be here right now if we didn't care. You would be back in the adoption centre."

I stayed quiet, feeling everyone's gazes on me, as I desperately wanted to believe Joy but know that I can't. Nobody cares about me, and after what happened this afternoon... no one should.

"Send me back then." I mumbled quietly, looking at the floor, making an effort to hide the tears that slid silently down my cheeks.

Joy let out a frustrated cry before rubbing her forehead. "I've had enough of this. Go to bed, you're going to school tomorrow. For now, I think your hangover will be punishment enough."

I sighed and quickly jumped up off the lounge, where I was siting next to Calum and where I had basically been interrogated for the past twenty minutes. In an effort to avoid any of the disappointed and disapproving looks from the boys or their parents - yes, everyone was here - I quickly stumbled my way towards the stairs, and climbed up each one as fast as I could without tripping. I was still a little tipsy, but I knew what I was doing and what I was saying. But much to my dismay, I didn't drink enough alcohol to make me forget what has happened in these past few hours.

I shoved my bedroom door open and slammed it shut, not bothering to lock it knowing that no one will probably want to come and talk to me.

I yanked the sheets back from my bed and slid in underneath them, hoping to maybe get some peace for once. But as I stared up at the white ceiling with tears falling from my eyes, I realised that that was never going to happen, never in my lifetime was that going to happen.

A few minutes later, my door opened and I internally groaned. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. When I saw that it was the boys, I sighed and rolled over to face the wall. I felt my bed dip and then Calum appeared in front of me, lying down on the other side of the bed, the side that I was facing. I groaned and rolled over to face the other way, only to be met with the three other boys. I groaned again and pulled the sheets up over my head.

"For God's sake, what do you want?" I snapped.

They all sighed collectively, and I had to fight a smile because I always find it funny how the boys always do or say things in sync.

"We just thought you'd need these." Ashton spoke up through the silence as he sat on the edge of my bed.

I slowly peaked out from underneath the covers to see him holding out two Panadol tablets, and pointing to glass of water on my bedside table. I slipped my hand out from underneath the covers and slowly, but gratefully, went to take the tablets out of his hand. But as soon as I was about to grab them, he closed his hand and made a fist around the tablets, disabling me from getting them.

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