Chapter 2 - Open Day

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I don't understand how people can have such terrible taste in music. I honestly don't. Well, I suppose since the only radio station the adoption centre let us listen to is a crappy old one that only plays a few good old songs every now and then, we're all forced to listen to the same stuff over and over. We never get to choose.

"Can I have your attention everyone! Kids, kids! Everyone gather 'round! This won't take long." Maria yelled out from the lounge room. 

Teenagers and kids alike race each other for spots on the lounges, some people even getting shoved off or sat on in the process. I sighed as I walked up to lean my elbows on the back of one of the lounges, Dylan following along beside me. Once everyone was settled in and every person was out of their rooms and down here, Maria spread her arms out in front of her. 

"As you all probably know, today is the RJ Adoption Centre Open Day!" She grinned. "This is one of the biggest days for all of you because crowds come in from all over the city to come and see you."

"Yeah, to judge us." Dylan rolled his eyes and I huffed in agreement. 

"This could be your chance to impress people, to make them fall in love with you so that they can make you part of their own family." Maria continued.

"Or make us their slaves." I scoffed.

"No kidding." Dylan agreed with me. 

"Today is the day where you not only make me proud, but make our founder - RJ Johnson - proud as well. Without her, who knows where any of you would be. You could be living out of the streets right now, but you're not, because RJ had such a big heart-"

"Oh, here we go again." I mumbled quietly to Dylan who chuckled at my comment.

Maria went on and on to talk about how caring RJ Johnson was and how we wouldn't be here is it wasn't for her, and God knows what else. I just tuned out.

"You've all been told where you need to be and what you need to be doing, so, let the day begin!" Maria cheered.

All the younger children jumped up and ran to where they were told to be earlier today. All the younger teenagers had some enthusiasm at the thought of being fostered or adopted. But us older teenagers, we all know the slim chances for an us getting picked for fostering. People always want younger children because they can easily be taught what's right and wrong. They can be drilled out of any bad habits, but us older teens, we're too old for that now. 

Most of us are too stubborn to change any bad habits. We all know what it's like to be welcomed and then rejected. We all know what it's like to have hope and then have it crushed. We all know what it's like to grow up, year after year, and not be loved - to not have a family. 

"I don't want to do this, Dylan." I sighed, leaning against him. 

"I know," he rubbed my shoulder. "But lets just get through today, yeah? We've been through it before and I'm sure we can do it again."

"Yeah, I guess."

Little does he know that sometimes I don't even want to do life at all anymore.


"Jordan!" Maria hissed in my ear. "Two kids are crying downstairs, you need to go sort it out."

"You're the caretaker, isn't that your job?" I rolled my eyes, never breaking my concentration on my drawing in front of me. 

"Now, Jordan." She ordered, snatching the pencil out of my hand. 

I huffed and rolled my eyes, slowly standing up from my chair and walking away, glaring at Maria the whole time. 

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