Chapter 6 - Awkward

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Two days couldn't have gone faster, and now the time has finally come. I've been stuck in this damn car for half an hour, and not only do I feel like vomiting because I'm worrying so much, but I am also quite restless - this small car becoming almost claustrophobic.

I watch as house after house blurs past, blending into a montage of different colours. But yet, the car doesn't slow down for quite a while. I crave to have earphones plugged in and for music to be helping me forget about what is coming. But I don't have that luxury. I don't even have a earphones, let alone a phone or iPod. 

Soon enough, the car slows down and turns into driveway leading to a nice, half-modern looking house. It's not overly modern and not like an old cottage from the nineteen-hundreds, but it's a cosy type of modern. A warm type of house. A home. From what I've seen from the drive over here, it's a nice neighbourhood too; nice looking houses, smiling families or couples, green grass and brightly coloured flowers popping up here and there. It's an ideal neighbourhood, but looks can be deceiving. I of all people should know that.

"Jordan, honey, are you ready?" Maria asked softly.

Well, she changed her tune quickly. Just the other day she was yelling at me and now, with the prospect of me being gone, she's being sweet. I'm not that easily fooled.

"No. But do I have a choice? Again, no." I rolled my eyes.

"This is for the best, Sweetheart." Maria sighed.

"Don't call me that." I snapped.

"Be nice, Jordan." She sighed. "This family is trying to help you. They offered to help, I didn't even have to ask them."

"Oh great, so all the other homes I've been to you've had to beg them to take me? Thanks for letting me know." I scoffed.

"You know what I mean, Jordan."


"You might actually like it here. Just give it a try, if not for me than for yourself."

The serious and solemn look on Maria's face makes me think that maybe this time will be better. She's actually done so much for me over the years, yet I just act like a brat and throw everything away. But then again, Maria has a tendency to play her emotions when the time is right.

She gets out of the car and goes to get my few bags from the back, well, a duffle bag and a backpack. That's all I have. 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, I'm not ready for this, I never am.

I push open the car door and get out slowly, taking in my surroundings. I've always been quite a curious person, and I always have to memorise places that I go so that I know them when I go back.

I walk around to the back of the car and grab my duffle bag and backpack that Maria hands to me and force a smile.

My hands start to sweat as Maria knocks politely on the door. We only had to wait a few seconds before it flew open. The nice looking lady that talked to Molly at the Open Day appeared in the door with a big smile on her face.

"Maria!" She said excitedly and pulled her in for a hug.

"Joy, it's good to see you again." Maria hugged her back, which is strange because she's cold as stone and very rarely hugs people.

"And this must be Jordan." She smiled in my direction.

My heart pounds against my ribcage at the mention of my name as I give Joy a small smile, not able to bring myself to do much else.

"Yes, this is the one and only." Maria laughed.

"Oh how sweet of you, Maria." I said with a little attitude.

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