Chapter 40 - Rumours

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“Did you hear what happened at that party last night?” I heard a girl whisper to her friend.

“No, what?” The other girl leaned forward.

“Apparently that Jordan girl,” she nodded towards me. “Slept with Hayden last night.”

“Seriously? Who told you?”

“Hayden did. He’s been telling everyone. She’s such a slut, oh my God.”

“Agh, I know. She’s slept with, like, so many guys. I’d be surprised if she doesn’t have an STI.”

The girls snickered, probably knowing that I was able to hear them. I quickly ducked my head, looking at the ground, and hugged my folder closer to my chest as I walked to class. I heard people whispering about me the whole way, and it made me feel even worse. I can tell you now, they weren’t saying anything nice. 

Art was first up, which I was thankful for. I got to express myself without actually talking to anyone, in fact, I didn’t have to talk to anyone at all – not that I was talking anyway.

It’s been a few days since Ethan had said that everyone’s deaths was because of me, which is true. But, despite my pleading, Alex still wouldn’t let me hand myself over. Every death has taken a toll on me, to a point where I’m just… nothing. I feel empty inside. There’s just nothing left anymore. 

The boys and the Hood family hardly pay attention to me anymore. I think they’ve just given up. Everyone still gets angry, stressed and panicked when I don’t come home some days, but I think they’re coming to terms that that’s just what happens now. 

But I did have a sliver of hope this morning. I had run into the boys while on my way to Homeroom. Michael and I were in the same Homeroom, but I was heading there early to get away from everyone. Michael never talks to me or approaches me anyway, he hates me, so it’s not like I should wait. 

Right when I was about walk away after running into Calum’s warm body, he had stopped me. 

“Jordan, wait.” Once I turned around, he continued. “Look, I don’t know why you’re angry at us, but I know you’re angry because you’re giving all of us the silent treatment. I’m not sure what we did. And, if you’re angry at yourself for when you were drunk and pushed me… you shouldn’t be. I know I shouldn’t, but I forgive you. You were drunk and you didn’t know what you were doing. I’m not saying that it was right, but it’s in the past. I just hope we can move past this, because I hate not hearing your voice everyday… even if you’re just yelling at me.” He chuckled and smiled, but after seeing my emotionless expression, he turned serious again. 

“Okay, well, I just hope you can forgive us for whatever we’ve done, and everything can go back to normal.” He smiled slightly, waiting for my answer. 

But all I did was turn and walk away, hearing Calum call after me. 

That was my sliver of hope. Maybe they did still care after all. 

I sat down at my usual table that I share with Lauren, and Parker, who hadn’t been there the first week of school, due to being on holidays, but he was Lauren’s boyfriend. He’s a really nice guy, and he always tries to talk to me, but I’m not talking to anyone. 

As a few people slumped into class slowly, I stayed seated, head down, ignoring everyone. That was until a familiar figure, who wasn’t in art class, ran into the room, scanned every face until he saw mine, and then swiftly speed walked over to me, slamming himself into the seat next to me. 

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