Chapter 35 - Hell Hole

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"I'm never going to tell you, Jimmy. I'll take it to my grave. Kill me, I don't care. I'll never tell you."

Jimmy looked at each of his gang members, and shrugged. "Ok then."

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at my brother.

"No!" I screamed.

"Save it, cupcake. Nothing can save him now." Johnny breathed in my ear.

I cried harder as Jimmy loaded the gun and moved closer to my brother. "You said you'll take it to your grave, then ok. I can make that happen for you. Say your goodbyes."

"Jamie!" I cried. "You can't leave me!"

"I'm so sorry, Jordy." My brother cried out to me.

With that Jimmy held the gun to Jamie's head. "It's a pity you can't do anything to save your sister. Not even this. Just remember whatever happens from this day forward is all on you."

With those last words he pulled the trigger. The bang echoed in my ears.

Thankfully I was sleeping on my stomach, so when my eyes flung open, my pillow muffled my screams. I craned my neck, looking around my room which was lit by the sunlight that was peaking out from around the curtains covering my windows. I knew that there was no one in my room, but being my paranoid self, I just had to make sure.

I groaned, letting my head hit the pillow with a dull 'thump' and snuggling back under the covers. This is going to be a bad day, I can tell, and it's too early for this shit. Just as I closed my eyes again, got comfortable, and got rid of the feeling that someone was standing there watching me, my alarm went off on my bedside table.

"The fuck?" I groaned, flinging my arm out from under the covers to smack the off button.

I comfortably got back underneath the covers, confused as to why my alarm was going off, but quickly dismissing it because I really didn't care.

But apparently, other people knew why my alarm was going off, because a few minutes later I got another wake up call.

My door flung open, and I shielded my eyes from the light that came flooding in. Then my body started bouncing up and down as a shirtless Calum started jumping on my bed.

"Come on Jordan! Get up!" He yelled excitedly.

I groaned and tried to kick his legs out from underneath him, but I kept missing because he kept jumping. I moved my head to the side, so that my cheek was on the pillow, so that Calum would be able to understand what I was saying.

"Stop. Your fat ass is gonna break my bed." I mumbled with my eyes still closed.

"Well then get up!"

"I can't. You're jumping on me."

"I'm not jumping on you. This would be jumping on you..."

Calum took a giant leap up in the air, and before I could react, he landed on top of me with one leg on either side of my body, same with his arms and then his chest resting on top of my back. I groaned when his weight hit me, even though it wasn't his full weight - I could tell he was holding off a little bit - it was still enough for some air to be stolen out of my lungs.

"Come on! You don't want to be late for your first day of school, do you?"

School?! Crap, I totally forgot.

"Fuck..." I huffed. "I'm not going."

"Why not?" I saw him pout out of the corner of my eye before I buried my face in my pillow again.

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