First meeting

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This gif is solely for Bill purposes, you do not have to resemble the girl in this nor does this gif really fit in at all

But that's me as an author so :)))))) oop

But that's me as an author so :)))))) oop

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You just moved to L.A and you can see why everyone is always complaining about the traffic, good thing your house isn't far from the main part of town, so you usually just walk to any of your needed destinations.

You see your usual lunch place up ahead as your feet pad against the pavement, lots of places in Los Angeles are very crowded but this one was more quaint and quiet, which is why it was your favorite place to go.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you pulled it out; revealing a text from your best friend.

Y/f/n- what are you up to hoe, seen any cute guys yet?

Y/n- yes I've seen tons of cute guys, not like I'd have enough courage to go up to them though dummy

Y/f/n- ughhh true. Don't be be so uptight though, FREE YOURSELF

You laugh at the silly message, walking into the cozy cafe. You slip your phone in your back pocket as you walk through the door, but as you turn around to go sit at a table you collide with a stranger. Great, you're already that girl. You think to yourself, cringing at the thought of having to apologize and go through the motions of social interaction.

Who ever it was, is tall because your face is eye level with their firm chest. "I'm so sorry I-" you begin to say but stop when you look up at the stranger. He was beautiful, like unearthly beautiful. He had big piercing viridian eyes, and high cheekbones that look as if they were carved from stone, and his lips were the perfect shade of peach. Where did he come from? He's surely not from around here.

"No no it's ok it's my fault I wasn't looking." He says with a kind smile, meeting your gaze. You recognize him, though you aren't sure from where. "Let's call it even. I'm really uncoordinated." You replied back with a laugh.

He chuckles at your response. "Let me buy your breakfast?" He asks in a curious, sympathetic tone.

He hopes you don't notice his eyes scanning your features as if rare art is in front of him; he simply can't help it, he finds you to be too beautiful to just be glanced at.

"Oh no I couldn't ask you to do that." You said back, shaking your head. He waves his large hand in the air, as if to ease your worrying. "It's on me, really I want to." He says back. "If you insist, I mean I do bruise easily." You said in a sarcastic tone, which made him laugh, white teeth peeking out from behind his plump pout.

After he gets his food and yours, you follow him to a booth, noting how hard it is to keep up with him and his long legs. "Do you normally buy food for complete strangers?" You say to him as you both sit down in the comfortable seats.

He laughs, looking down and back up with amusement on his brooding features.

"Oh yea all the time, it's a routine really." You laugh at his response, cheeks going red as you realize you're actually having food and conversing with such a beautiful person. (Though you know it's silly because he is just a human after, a really gorgeous human, that is)

"I recognize you, I feel like I've seen you before." You say to him, curiosity in your tone. "Well, my name is Bill skarsgård, I'm an actor." He says to you in a tone far too casual and almost shy, and then it dawns on you. "Of course, you played Roman on hemlock grove, and you're playing the new pennywise right?" You said a little to excitedly, all of the gears clicking in your head.

He smiles widely, an almost flustered look on his face. "Yes you're correct. You also might have seen me in a few pornos." He responded in a sarcastic tone, raising his eyebrow. You laughed and replied with. "Well I wasn't going to mention those but now that you said something." making you both laugh as you finished your food.

"I feel like I should be freaking out more because I mean I love your work, but you're so normal, I mean I know you're a normal person- I'm rambling sorry." You said, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear out of habit.

He chuckled, a sound you grew fonder of by the second, and replied "No it's ok, I'm glad you like my work and I'm glad you aren't freaking out, it freaks ME out when people freak out." He said back, looking at you with intensive, yet soft eyes.

He seems far different than you'd expect actors to be like, it fills you with a sense of happiness and refreshment.

"Yes I understand, but honestly you didn't have to buy my food I already feel bad, it was just a minor collision." You said to him, meeting his gaze. He laughed and replied. "If I'm being quite honest, I don't usually do things like this, but I'm kinda glad I ran into you, quite literally." He said with a smile, the corners of his lips upturned as he did so. "See I knew you ran into me on purpose! Men can't resist my charms." You said sarcastically, fluttering your lashes.

You both laughed and threw away your trash, before getting up walking towards the exit.

"I know I've thanked you a thousand times, but thank you again." You said to him, as he opened the door and both of you walked outside; the cool air hitting your faces. You felt a slight pang in your chest knowing you were parting ways with the man who wasn't so much of a stranger now.

"It was my pleasure." He said with a chuckle, and paused before saying "You know, if you want, maybe we can slam into each other again sometime, like dinner, at the grove?" He said with a nervous expression,
Mentally face palming because of his choice of words.

Holy shit was he asking you out? "For the first time in my life I'm going to say that sounds great." You replied with a laugh, blushing at the apples of your cheeks as you looked up at the tall man.

He felt warmth in his chest, something that was new for him when just meeting someone. You both exchanged numbers and parted ways, and for the rest of the day you couldn't stop thinking of that green eyed boy, and you also couldn't wait to see him again.

Hi! Thankyou for clicking on this book, and Thankyou for taking time to give this a read. It means a lot to me. ❤️-xx

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