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You lie in the warm bed that belongs to you and Bill, basking in your own warmth as your body melts into the memory foam mattress

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You lie in the warm bed that belongs to you and Bill, basking in your own warmth as your body melts into the memory foam mattress. You thought your boyfriend was doing work on his laptop in the kitchen, but he obviously has other things on his mind as you see his tall figure trudge in the warmly lit room, an exaggerated pouty face on his brooding features.

"I don't wanna do woooooork, can I come lay with you?" He asks with a groan, long legs carrying him to the bed in barely any time. You let out a giggle, covers pulled up to your neck before you throw them off of you halfway, letting his heavy figure slip in between the comforter with you. "Guess that answers your question." You say with a smile, as he chuckles and wraps his long arms around you; the material of his sweater soft and the scent of him comforting.

He buries his face in the crook of your neck,making you let out another giggle as his lips peck against your skin, soft strands of his hair feathering over your clavicle as he does so. "You're so ticklish." You hear his muffled voice say, sending vibrations through you as his body jolts slightly with laughter. "I'm sorryyyy." You reply, laughing harder as he continuously kisses your neck, an action you are unable to see.

His lengthy arms that are around your body hold you tight against him, before he takes his head out from the crook of your neck and looks at you with a wide, lovesick grin. "What?" You ask, reaching out to comb his hair back with your fingers as he admires you up close; loving every single detail you have to offer.

He shakes his head softly, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your right leg is slung over his narrow waist, his lower half maneuvered in between your thighs as you cling further onto his soft sweater; bunching the fabric between your fingers. He hums into the kiss, slender fingertips finding refuge in your hair as he gently massages your scalp; your lips overlapping one another and noses rubbing together.

You let out a squeal against his mouth as he suddenly grips onto your waist, flipping himself on his back and making sure you stay firmly on top of his firm lap. You're cupping his warm, smooth cheeks in your palms, smiling as he perks his head up and gives you simultaneous open mouth kisses. "I." *kiss* "Love." *kiss* "You." *kiss* he says, warm, smooth tongue gliding over your bottom lip as your mouths stay connected for a moment.

You reluctantly break apart, looking down at him with blushing cheeks and a smile that reaches your eyes. "What's gotten into you? It's like, you're being needy for once?" You say with a sarcastic tone, a faux shocked expression on your face as you dramatically clutch at your chest.

He rolls his eyes, a deep chuckle emitting from his throat as he looks up at you. You're the most perfect vision right in front of him, covers thrown on both of you and the warmth of your thighs radiating onto his lap and over his sides. "Just needed some love from my angel, that's all." He says with a grin; as you reach down and he offers his hands.  You intertwine your fingers with his much longer ones, feeling the familiar warmth that his palms generate as they rest only inches away from yours.

"I love you." You say in a soft voice, looking down at the daydream of a man you call your boyfriend. His hair is a bit tousled from rustling against the pillow, nose and cheeks hued slightly pink and his lips plush, as well as soft looking. "Then give me another kiss and prove it." He says with a smirk, before you lean down and tear your hands away from his, placing your palms on his broad shoulders as you close your eyes and press your lips to plump pout once more.

You both let out a sigh of relief, as if this isn't the 100th time you've kissed in the matter of 10 minutes; his hands reaching up a few inches to grip your soft hips, feeling your body through the thin material of your clothing. You can feel his prominent collarbones and the steady rise and fall of his chest as your bodies press together, coming as close as you possibly can without being completely naked.

"We need to stop before-" you say, but he interrupts you. "Too late, you already got me excited." He says with a chuckle against your lips, making you giggle as your cheeks burn red. "Oh that's what I feel? I thought you just had your phone in your pocket." You say, breaking away from the kiss for a moment to make your joke.

He instantly laughs, your bad sense of humor being something he absolutely adores. "You are so...." he begins to say, trailing off as he gets lost in the highlights of your eyes and the way your hair frames your face as you hold yourself up on his sturdy chest. "I'm...?" You ask, a smile playing at the corners of your lips as you cock your head to the side, curious about what he's going to say.

"Precious, you're so precious. And ridiculous and absolutely infuriating sometimes but I- I love you more than anything." He says with pure truth and honesty in his smooth tone as he reaches up to softy stroke your cheek with the pad of his thumb. Your heart feels as if it's melting in your chest, having nothing but love for the man below you.

"Oh please do go on." You say in a humorous tone, pretending to flip your hair as the two of you begin to laugh. "I'm kidding, I love you too, so so much." You say, your laughter dying down as you place your hands on either side of his jawline, feeling the prominent bone beneath your palm. "You better." He says back, suddenly snaking his arms around you and flipping you both over, his heavy figure hovering over top of your body as he attacks your face and neck with warm, wet kisses.

Nothing could ever separate you two and that's certain now, more certain than ever actually. The world brought you two together for a reason, and that reason is to love as much as you can with all you've got, because the world desperately needs love more than anything, and now, you are eachothers worlds.

Hiiiiiii I hope you guys aren't annoyed with the fluff,  i'm in a mood BUT I think I'm gonna cook up some smut soon, hope you all are hungry and I hope you all enjoyed this👀 love you❤️-xx

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