Mr. Skarsgård

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Really feeling this story, hope you all like it too


(GIF is used strictly for the purpose of setting a specific scene, your appearance is NOT based off of the girl in it) (by the way, OOF, look at him, FUCK)

Slightly NSFW (not safe for work)

Summer is usually full of plans, maybe hanging out with your friends, trying new things, going down to the beach and stuffing your face with ice cream; but you knew that with your luck, something was bound to happen, and of course, it did

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Summer is usually full of plans, maybe hanging out with your friends, trying new things, going down to the beach and stuffing your face with ice cream; but you knew that with your luck, something was bound to happen, and of course, it did. Your parents got a job offer in Seattle, one that would no doubt change your lives, and though they were apprehensive at first, they took it.

But what you didn't know, is that for a whole two weeks they would have training. Now usually, with you being 18, you'd stay home; but the only problem was that your father had plans for renovations that he didn't tell anyone about until the last minute, which means that you wouldn't have a secure, safe place to stay (unless sleeping on top of plywood and saw dust sounded appealing.)

"A whole two weeks? With some dude I don't even know?!" You had protested, arms crossed over your chest with a look of shock sprawled put across your features. Your mother sighed, giving you a reassuring glance. "He's a very close friend, he helped your dad years ago when he first got into real-estate. Plus it's not just him, he has a girlfriend named Alida and she's very sweet." Your father chuckled, responding to her statement with "Is nice really the word?" You mother gave him a slap to the arm, making you and him both laugh. "Believe me sweety, they're nice people. We wouldn't just drop you off at some 'dudes' house."

And they were right, he was incredibly nice, except they left out the part where he is a walking daydream; standing at a towering stature of 6'4 with light green eyes that match the color of leaves in the spring, and the bone structure of someone who surely can't be from around here. He looks eerily beautiful, and as soon as you found out about his Scandinavian descent, you realized why. Of course the beautiful bastard is Swedish, the universe just had to give me another reason to be weak in the knees around him, you'd thought to yourself.

His girlfriend wasn't around much, not at all actually. You really only saw the back of her head as she'd scurry through the door and into a separate part of the house. His home is quite nice, lavish yet comfortable, making you feel not so out of place. You'd felt awkward at first, not knowing how in the hell you're going to be able to function properly with a man as gorgeous as him around, but his lighthearted jokes and calming aura set your mind at ease very quickly.

He isn't ancient by any means, he's actually fairly young in most peoples books, only being 27; so naturally, he doesn't have a lot of rules, barely any at all. Of course you know the basics, that he didn't even have to mention because it's common curtesy, which is to not snoop or go in his and his girlfriends room and things of that nature, but the one thing he is very adamant on is not going out and coming back at irrational hours of the night. He'd been polite about it, carefree as usual, but still serious since he is a busy man and needs to sleep at a reasonable time.

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