For you

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Smut obviously, very smutty smut at that
•Dominant male• names such as sir being used• oral sex FxM
If sexual situations such as those make you uncomfortable please do not read, thanks

It was the way you were absentmindedly swirling the lollipop in your mouth, your tongue licking around it before putting it back into your mouth. You would place it on your tongue, your naturally pink lips slightly parted and the stick resting on your teeth before you'd take in back in and out of your mouth again.

It made him think of how your mouth felt, how soft and warm it was, it was driving him crazy and you didn't even know it. He wanted nothing more than to have your lips wrapped around him, humming onto his length.

You sat behind the kitchen counter on a bar stool, swiveling back and forth as the taste of cotton candy danced over your tastebuds, leaving you in a pleasant mood as your eyes scanned the book you were reading.

You were wearing your usual comfy attire, one of his oversized grey sweaters on with black panties under it, and nothing else. Your beautiful boyfriend sat in the living room, in nothing but his briefs, his body that you adored being revealed as he went through work papers, or so you thought.

You were so focused on your book you didn't notice his tall figure approaching behind you. His fingertips touched your shoulders and you jumped slightly, taking your attention off of what you were doing to turn around and meet his beautiful green eyed gaze.

"Scared me." You said with a giggle, putting your book down. "Sorry, just couldn't help myself." He said with a smirk on his pink lips, moving a piece of hair from your face, placing it behind your ear.

He then leaned down, pressing his plump pout to yours. You could feel the need in the kiss, the spark between your movements was evident. You broke apart for a moment.

You could really see his full state now, his hair was perfectly messy and his lips were eager. "What's gotten into you today?" You asked with a giggle, softly stroking his cheek.

His eyes almost turned dark green as he took your hand, placing it right beside his, over his briefs. You gasped lightly when you felt his hard member, so prominent even through his underwear.

"You, you don't even realize what that pretty mouth of yours does to me, even when it's not near me." He said with a low voice, licking his lips.

You felt your core heat up, your heart beating faster. "I didn't know, sorry." You said with an innocent expression, looking up at him through batted lashes.

"I promise I'll take care of it Sir." You said again, and you could see the look in his eyes turn darker than before, he was fucked for you and your words made him stiffen even more, if it were possible.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now