Distraction-part 2

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"What if I don't want to be your distraction?" You replied, a playful smirk on your face. "Most people would pay to be my distraction, consider yourself lucky." He said with a a cocky grin.

You felt strange anger rise in you, one, at how attractive he was and two, even after his incredibly self centered comment, you still thought he was gorgeous, that never stopped you from speaking your mind though.

"Well I don't spend my money on people who think people should worship at their feet. You might win in the ring and get what you want, but not always in real life." You said, your tone serious ands challenging look in your eyes.

He cocked his eyebrow, an odd look on his face. He most definitely didn't get talked to like that, not often, not ever. He stepped closer, and you hid the hitch in your breath well enough.

His green eyes blazed as they looked into yours. "You have a mouth on you doll face, might get you in trouble." He said, his voice husky and warning. You remained unfazed, or at least made it look that way.

"You gonna do something about it like you did with that guy earlier? I don't take threats well, Skarsgård." You replied, keeping a poker face.

A smirk grew on his breathtaking face. "Don't worry, i'll keep my hands to myself, wouldn't wanna hurt that pretty face of yours anyways." He said with a wink. You felt your cheeks heat up, something you unfortunately couldn't hide.

Just then someone busted in, a frantic look on their face. "Julien is here, it's not good bill." The man said, his features full of panic. You turned to bill, seeing his own face turn cross. You knew something wasn't right.

He looked at you with serious eyes. "You need to go it's not safe." He said, sternly, but it was as if on queue, large men pulled the man who had spoken previously from the doorway, stepping in.

The man was quite small, that's probably why two large men stood beside him. Bill grabbed your shoulders, the contact making your heart race as he pushed you behind him.

Your heart began to beat with fear, not knowing what was about to happen. "Skarsgård, you roughed up our man tonight, your boss still hasn't gotten the money for the last fight to us though." The man said, walking closer, the lines on his face deep with years of experience.

Bill's hand stayed on you the whole time. "Because he didn't win, I did. So take your demands and shove them up your ass." He spat, making the man grimace. "Who's the girl? She looks appetizing." The man said with a smirk, making your stomach twist and skin crawl.

He came closer, making bill step back, still keeping you close behind him. "Touch her and I rip your head off." He said, a serious and volatile tone in his voice. "Someone's protective, we just wanna play." The man said with a laugh.

You absentmindedly placed your hands against bill's back, his skin hot. "You have one minute to walk out before I kill you, understand?" Bill said to the man.

"I might do it first little brother." A voice from behind you both said. You turned, seeing Alex, a pistol held to his side, his hand gripping it tighter.

Bill smirked, giving his brother a nod, turning back to the men. "Fuck off." He said. The man frowned, gritting his teeth before saying "I'll be back for you, and the girl." Before turning on his heels and walking away, the large men sulking behind him.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now