Thankyou to the person who requested I do an imagine based off of this lovely song ♡
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He chases down the remembrance and bitter nostalgia with a shot of Akvavit, the spices and herbs of the liquor sending his mind back home where the alcohol is shared between him and his brothers on holidays and anniversaries. A chill descends down his spine, the empty and echoey space of his apartment feeling vacant and stripped of light without you in it.
You left three months ago, though it was not by any means an easy decision. The love of your life happens to be an actor, an actor who's current roles have pin pointed him right in the middle of a schedule that never ends and a world that's completely different from your own. You thought you could handle it, I mean when you love someone you'd go through anything for them, right?
Bt there came a point where you never saw him except for every two weeks for two days, at most. He'd be so tired and worn out he'd shower and pass out and you'd only get one day together to make up for the weeks of lost time. That's no way to be a relationship, and both of you became so distant it didn't feel like you were looking at the same person anymore.
Eventually you realized your dreams and hopes are far away from where you were, and unfortunately, because of what he does, far away from him. With you pursuing your passion and him pursuing his, you might as well be two different countries on opposite sides of the world; and it tore you both open from the inside out having to think about maintaining a relationship through a phone screen.
He still can't sleep on your side of the bed. He can't feel the cold sheets against his bare back, or come to the full realization that your scent no longer lingers on the pillow covers. He cleaned out his closet and realized he still has articles of your clothing, like your favorite T shirt that you wore so much, there's holes on nearly every part of the fabric. He never thought heartbreak would be like this, so utterly, and mind numbingly excruciating.
So he does this day in and out. Becoming a cliché and drowning his sorrows with an expensive liquor to try and suppress the pressure that builds in his chest when he remembers the nights you'd both dance around the house in just your underwear after drinking too much wine; hearts on fire and hands wandering over each others skin as if every inch held galaxies and all you wanted to do was see the stars.
He sits in silence, fingertips skimming over the rim of his empty glass, the sun setting outside beaming through the clear doors of his balcony; turning the space of his home into a vision of lilac and fuchsia. Sunsets were your favorite, and still are. His light colored eyes stare out at the colorful sky, and he wonders where you are. If you're happy, if your dreams have come true, if you think of him like he thinks of you, and he hopes to god you aren't hurting like he is. He knows you never meant to hurt him, and that this was the best option for the both of you.
He accepts the fact that you two might not see each other again for a long time, but he won't ever be able to stop the ache he feels when he realizes that the only thing he'll be dancing with, is the ghost of you.
Hello babies I sincerely hope you all liked this! As well as the requester!