I need you more

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Y'all that header image just screams daddy so you know my ass had to make an imagine about it

Smut warning if it wasn't obvious

This will contain sexual themes you might not be comfortable with such as roughness and use of the word 'daddy.' If you are NOT comfortable with things of that nature, please do not read, thanks

Prepare yourselves, again 💕

Interviews, photos shoots, and more interviews were all he'd dealt with all day. He loved that people were liking his new film and loved the support but all he could think about right now was you. Your hands, soft and warm, your lips and the way they'd graze across his pulse, he had to adjust himself in the back of the uber as your apartment approached.

You, on the other hand, were humming along to the song playing on the loud speakers as you organized your stuff and decided on where you wanted your hair care and skin care products to go. 'This drawer maybe? No, definitely the other one.' You thought to yourself, as you placed a bottle of dry shampoo into the place you wanted it.

You were snapped out of your tedious organizing when you heard the door open and shut, the familiar sound of a coat being put up and heavy footsteps making a large smile grow on your face. You walked to the living room and saw your tall pouty boyfriend, as he sauntered your way.

"Did you have a good day handsome?" You asked with a smile. You giggled as he wrapped his long arms around you and pulled you close, burying his face in your neck. "I need a nap." He mumbled, lips smoothed against your shoulder.

"Well the bed is made, so go ahead." You say with a laugh, running your hands through his hair. He breaks away and looks down, licking his lips as he places his finger under your jaw to lift it up. He leans down and his lips connect with yours not even a second later, the familiar taste of him heightening your senses.

"But you know what I need more?" He says as he breaks away for a moment, large green eyes looking down at you with a curious gaze. "What's that?" You ask with a smirk, feeling your core getting hotter as he holds you close to his toned figure, adorned in the sweater you loved seeing him in the most.

"You. I need you more." He repeats, softly stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb. He brings it over your bottom lip and you take a chance to take his finger in your mouth, wrapping your warm lips around it and swirling your tongue around, before slowly removing your mouth from around it.

He watches you with intent eyes, feeling himself stiffen immensely in the now, far too tight confines of his black jeans. "Then take me." You say to him, innocently batting your lashes as he looks down at you. He smirks, and  your simple words are all it takes for him to be kicked into overdrive.

He leans down, wrapping his arms around your lower half before lifting you and wrapping your thighs around his waist. He carries you to the room, kicking the half open door fully open before walking to the bed and throwing you on it.

You land softly onto the plush surface and let out a giggle, biting down on your lower lip as you look at the large man towering in front of you. He has to be one of the most gorgeous guys you'd ever seen, even when he so much as looked at you a certain way, you were putty in his hands. You'd think after three years of dating you'd get used to it, and you were used to him being yours of course, but the feeling of love never faltered a bit, and it never would.

"I've been thinking about you all day princess, nearly made me lose my focus." He says, a devious smirk making its way across his pink lips as he undoes his belt. The sound of the faux leather whipping through his belt loops and hitting the floor makes every nerve dance with burning anticipation.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now