Until dawn-part 4-nsfw

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Warning: extremely explicit writing ahead, read at your own discretion

(Gif is only intended to showcase the situation, it is NOT a reflection of what your body type has to be in this story)

Your breath hitches against his lips, your thumbs immediately caressing the deep set lines in his narrow hips as he slumps against you; a whimper falling from his plush mouth

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Your breath hitches against his lips, your thumbs immediately caressing the deep set lines in his narrow hips as he slumps against you; a whimper falling from his plush mouth. You've never felt so in control yet vulnerable at the same time as you do right now with a heavy, six foot four man cradling himself against you with his lips suckling at your neck.

"I can't control myself around you, I can't-" you interrupt his euphoria filled slurs as you cup his face in your palms, his skin flushed and warm and radiant with the pale moon swimming in through the window reflecting against it. "You don't have to. I'm yours. Take me." His pupils become blown out, lower belly burning with need as your soft voice meets his ear.

He captures your lips in a starved kiss once again, his large hands spread out on your lower back as he pulls you so close to him, your heartbeats almost sound like one. His tongue then slips past your parted lips and dances with your own, the wet muscles fighting a war that will never be won. Your hands favorite spots seem to be his messy head of hair and his broad shoulders, as they switch between the two frequently.

His mouth then moves sloppily across your cheek, and then to the area behind your ear before he nips at your lobe. You let out a soft moan, holding onto him for dear life. You notice how he feels different suddenly too, not in a bad or peculiar way, but just in a way that makes you feel like each of your fingertips is connected to a live wire inside of him, and each time he touches you it's like a jolt of electricity through his body.

He feels drunk off of you, whatever magic that stirs within him making him feel dizzy and high all at the same time. He wants to touch you, to pleasure you, to make you feel what he's feeling; white hot hunger burning through his skin. You throw your head back as his lips continue their endeavor, all the way across your throat and to your clavicle. Your shirt prevents him from going further, and his eyes widen as you lift it off of your body without him even having to ask.

You catch a glimpse of his eyes as you hook your hands behind your back and unclasp your bra too, the thin straps falling off of your shoulders before the cups detach from the swell of your breast. You toss it on the floor and notice how he looks as if his breath is caught in his throat. His nimble fingertips travel up the bare skin of your thighs and past the barely there material of your shorts, making their way up your sides as they expand and loop onwards to cup your breasts.

You gasp out loud, your body gravitating towards him as you mold yourself in his touch. His massive, warm hands then squeeze and palm and knead at your chest with the right amount of gentleness and roughness combined to make your ribs and chest burn with desire. "Please, more." You whimper, hanging onto his thick forearms. He leans down without hesitation, taking your right nipple into the warm and plush crevice of his mouth.

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