Take care of you-blurb

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Hi! This is a longtime due request from Oneawayfromadozen I'm so sorry it's taken so long, Thankyou for your patience❤️

"Bill, I'm fine, really." You say to your concerned boyfriend as his tall figure hovers over the bed, looking down at your sick state. You had come down with the flu, but you didn't want him to worry because you knew he was busy.

He sighs, sitting down on the bed next to you, his weight making you dip to the side a bit. "You're obviously not ok, i'm off today, just let me take care of you babe." He says, reaching his hand out and softly moving strands of hair out from in front of your face.

You sniffle, positive that the dark circles under your eyes are visible. You don't feel like arguing, so you huff in defeat. "Fine, but I don't know what you can do to help, i'm just gonna have to wait it out." You say, placing your hands beside you on the plush comforter.

"I'm gonna make you some soup, and I'm gonna put your favorite movie on and make you take some meds, you'll be better in no time." He says, leaning down to peck your forehead. His lips are warm and plush, and you giggle as you feel a wet mark on your skin from his mouth.

He gets up and you watch as is long legs carry him out the door. It takes around 20 minutes for him to make the soup, and he walks in with a tray, a bowl resting on top of it. He makes his way around and places the tray on your lap. "One sec." he says, holding his finger out before he jogs back out of the room and comes back seconds after with a bottle of water.

You laugh at how he's acting, finding it extremely adorable. "Ok so those are three ibuprofens, and I have some theraflu tablets for you to take too." He says, grabbing the pills and holding his hand out for you to take them. He opens the water bottle and hands it to you, watching with intent eyes as you swallow the pills.

You set the water bottle on the table beside you and reach for the spoon in the bowl of soup. "Careful, it's hot!" He says, holding his hands out. "Bill, I know. Listen honey, I'm fine, I can eat soup by myself." You say, reaching out and bopping his nose, knowing it frustrates him.

He sighs, standing up and walking to the other side of the bed, crawling in. He watches as you eat your soup, long legs crossed and hands on his lap. Once you're done, he makes sure you stay in bed, as he grabs the trey and brings it to the kitchen.

When he comes back, you're settled down under the warm covers, feeling a lot better surprisingly. He plops down on the bed, turning towards you. "Feeling better?" He asks, softy stroking your cheek. "A lot better, Thankyou bill." You say with a smile. He leans in, and you stop him by covering your mouth. "I'm gonna get you sick if you do that." Your muffled voice says.

He softly removes your hands, halfway climbing on top of you. "Well by that time you'll be better and can take care of me instead." He says with a smirk, pressing his lips to yours. You relax into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him as your lips move together. He really does know how to take care of you, and you feel grateful for him every single day.

Hiii! I hope the requester, as well as everyone else, enjoyed this lil blurb! I'm currently working on part 6 of 'just a job' and I'm so excited and happy you guys like it so much! I'm sorry if there are some of you who don't like it and are waiting for normal imagines, that's why I try to throw in a variety as I work on a series! ❤️-xx

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