You can have me-Roman Godfrey

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This could a weird one guys

"Thank you for letting me stay here, I don't know what I would have done without you

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"Thank you for letting me stay here, I don't know what I would have done without you. I can't believe that fucking land lord just kicked me out." You stab at your plate of food as you vent to your best friend, a glass of red wine sitting comfortably in his wide palm, long ring clad fingers wrapped around the expensive glass.

"If I find him, I can always hurt him." He shrugs nonchalantly, taking a sip of the liquor as you roll your eyes, meeting his gaze. "You can't just hurt everyone who pisses you off." He sets his fragile glass down, licking his plump, wine stained lips before leaning closer to you with his elbows placed on the table. "People who piss me off don't get it nearly as bad as people who hurt the ones I care about."

You smile softly, looking down at your food before setting your fork down and resting your cheek in your palm. You stare at him for a brief moment, you're not sure why, but you just feel as if you need a second to really admire his features. He's never known how beautiful he really is, he pretends as if he knows, but he doesn't. If only he could see himself through your eyes. Only then, would he realize that the faux wall he builds around himself is as breakable as a plate.

"What?" He furrows his fair eyebrows, forehead crinkling as he fights back a curios grin. You shake your head, blinking a few times to snap yourself out of it. "You have something on your face." You snicker as you reach out towards his face, your thumb wiping up the red liquid that spilled past the corner of his lips.

You're about to retract your hand, but his own hand catches your wrist gently. You furrow your eyes for a moment, confused as to what he's doing; until you feel his plump lips encapsulate the pad of your thumb and his warm tongue licks the wine off.

You feel a surge of heat wash over you, his hooded eyes glued on you the entire time, even as he lets go of your wrist and your gazes are stuck to eachother like magnets. You swallow hard, watching as he raises an eyebrow. "Your hearts beating fast, I can hear it." A small, almost undetectable smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, and you immediately stand and trot to the kitchen before he can analyze you further.

"Something's up with you Godfrey, have you fed lately?" Your back is turned towards him, hands on the counter beside his sink as you catch your breath, pretending to act unaffected; though what's the point when your best friend is an upir? "Yes I've fed, and by the way, walking to the kitchen doesn't mean I still can't hear how fast your heart is beating." You hear his chairs feet squeak against his freshly polished floor, letting you know he's standing up. His heavy footsteps get closer by the second, only making your heart race further.

You whip around as soon as you feel him approach, coming face to-chest with his 6'4 frame dressed in grey and black with the heavenly scent of his cologne making you feel dizzy due to the close close proximity. "What's with you today? You're being even more of a little creep than usual." You cross your arms over your chest, glaring up at him with a faux angry expression, something he finds cute and amusing more than anything.

His arms reach out, hands grasping the counter behind you beside either side of your hips, his face becoming more level with your own. "You think I'm a little creep? There's nothing little about me." He cocks his head to the side, every single inch of his face completely visible now that he's so close. You take note of the circles under his brilliant green eyes with bits of turquoise in them, the deep contours of his high cheeks and the plump set of lips right above his chin. Even his Cupid's bow underneath his unique nose, is sculpted.

"What's gotten into you? Trying your charms out on me?" You try to remain confident. "Well it depends, is it working?" His eyes graze you from top to bottom, making your skin feel hot, as if there's a lit fire attached to his line of vision. "Are you sure you're ok?" Your stomach flutters, thighs pressing together as he licks his plump lips. Suddenly, your best friend looks different in your eyes.

"Just let me taste you, please?" The sound of his voice catches you off guard, his eyes suddenly seem pleading, voice desperate and rough. Your shocked countenance draws a sigh from the back of his throat, a large hand raking through his messy hair as he turns his back towards you, walking a few feet away to collect himself.

"Roman, hey what's wrong?" You walk closer to him, reaching out and placing a hand on the broad expanse of his shoulder blade, feeling the warmth and his muscles tense underneath his thin shirt. "Nothing that I should bother you with." You can hear the regret in his voice, as if he knows he's crossed a line but he genuinely is going through an inner struggle of some kind.

"I wanna help, don't do that thing." You rest your cheek against his firm bicep, pouting up at him as you wrap your hands around his forearm. He tries to hide the smirk growing across his pink lips, eyes glaring down at you with a curiously raised eyebrow. "What thing?" He asks, jaw clenching as he looks away for a moment. He's acting as if he's in pain, and even though just seconds ago he asked if he could taste you, you're just concerned more than anything now.

"That thing where you close yourself off because you're embarrassed and don't want to talk about it." You feel the tendons in his arm clench as he scoffs. "Do you really want me to tell you the truth?" He looks down at you with a stomach fluttering sparkle in his eyes, lips parted as he awaits your answer. You suddenly feel as if touching him right now is sinful.

"Yes." You reply, hands still hanging onto his long arm as you stare up at him. You can see his Adams apple bob as he swallows, eyes not meeting yours just yet. "I haven't fed in a while, and being around you while you're...upirs don't just crave blood." His words and jumbled and confusing at first, your feet carrying you in front of his large and broad frame to get more answers.

"While I'm what? What do you mean? Just spit it out-" he interrupts you with a sharp tone. "While you're ovulating. I can smell it. It's making my mouth water. Is that better?" His voice takes you back for a moment, eyes going wide and blood rushing to your cheeks as you look up at him. He doesn't mean to be so forward, but you know it's not him being mean, it's just Roman. The dots begin to connect. Upirs don't just crave blood.

He avoids eye contact, large fists clenched by his sides as if he's trying to ease tension in his body. There's silence for a small moment, not awkward though, which perplexes you considering the exchange of words you've both shared. Why don't you feel uncomfortable? Actually, why is your heart racing even more than before, and why is there a steady growing pressure between your thighs?

"Roman." He doesn't respond. "Roman. Look at me." He finally meets your eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in this position with you staying here and all-" you interrupt him by shaking your head, reaching up to place a finger on his lips. They're warm and pillowy, making you feel more flustered than you expected.

He looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows, your finger moving off of his lips as you speak. "Just tell me what you want." This takes him off guard, but his expression stays firm and rather serious. You might not be able to take back what you're about to do, but in reality, you don't want to take it back. There's a fire inside of you that's growing, and he's the only one who can put it out.

"You. I need you." His eyes search yours for a sign that he's said something wrong, but there isn't one. You're looking up at him with as much seriousness as he has. You step closer, knowing that once you take the first step, it'll never be the same between you two. Your hand reaches out, and he watches you intently as your hand presses against his firm abdomen, making its way up until your palm is placed to the side of his smooth neck.

"You can have me."


Hey y'all

How r u

I love u

Hope ur doing good and eating fruit n drinking water


Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now