Seven deadly sins-Roman godfrey

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mention of alcohol and blood

mention of alcohol and blood

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1. Pride
He walks the halls of the white tower like he's a god, like everything around him would crumble and fall to pieces at the snap of his fingers. Admitting who he really is on the inside is something that is merely laughable to him.

2. Greed
He wants everything in life, every ounce and every second, even if he has to steal it from someone else. To him, the world has fucked him over so much, it's as if he thinks everyone around him lives to repay him.

3. Lust
He uses sex as a way to relieve himself of every horrible thing that has happened in his life. He buries himself in you and sucks the life from your chest because why not? An orgasm blurs his vision for a split second, and so to him, most women whom cross his path are just a way to make him forget.

4. Envy
He'd never say it out loud, not even if he were dying. Deep down inside he wants what everyone has, love, hope, dreams. Sometimes that desire to obtain such mundane attributes causes him to spiral out of control, to lose himself. It's an endless, inner turmoil for him.

5. Gluttony
That hunger inside of him never dies. It works its way up into his throat, burning the inner lining of his wind pipe until his veins are on fire and the only thing he wants to do is feed. He tries to stop it, tries to wake himself up from the nightmare and war of his mind, but he only ever realizes what damage he's done when he's covered in crimson and the taste of copper is on his tongue.

6. Wrath
He's angry at everyone, his mother, his father, the people who work for him and don't get his papers or phone calls sent to him on time. But most of all, he's angry at himself; at what he's become, at who he continues to be despite knowing that if he doesn't change he'll destroy everything around him. The fury he feels coils itself around his lungs.

7. Sloth
In his mind, the world works for him, not the other way around. He lifts a finger, throws an annoyed glance, or even lifts an eyebrow and a worker is scurrying away to fetch him whatever it is that he needs. His failure to realize the importance of self independence might be the cause of his demise.


His home is quiet and dim on days like this, when he's decided to make everyone else do his work so he can sulk and bathe in the hollows of his own mind. He swallows the mixture that Pryce gave him thickly, guzzling a few sips before licking the the remnants off of his plump lips. He lets the taste melt every worry he's feeling, every memory of times that were supposed to be better.

That's when he thinks of you most. When he thinks of the things in his life that he wants to come true, that he wants to succeed and thrive. He thinks of the person whom he hired as his personal assistant a year ago, and whom he fell for the night he spiraled out of control. He called you, and without hesitation you ran to his side, cleaned him up and helped him think clearly.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now