Sworn in-satisfaction

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Very nsfw

You're about to have a threesome. Oh. Fuck.

Not just with Adrion, but with your best friend.

Holy fuck.

Did you even think this through? You took a shower this morning, so you're clean.

Are they clean? What if you don't like any of it? What if it hurts? Oh god, they aren't thinking of double penetration are they? Cause you're definitely sure you'd need more time to prepare or even think about that if it were to happen.

These are all the thoughts that seem to run through your head within the short ammount of time that you're alone in Bills room, waiting for him as he goes to fetch Adrion.

His room suddenly feels more like a sex dungeon than a comfortable place to sleep, all darkly lit with hints of dark blue and red. How are you ever going to step foot in here again without feeling...sinful.

You can't believe you're doing this.

What if you only liked the idea when you were in the moment? What if you only wanted Bill and having both of them together will be too much? What if they don't even like what they see? What if-

The doorknob clicks, the sight of the two men greeting you as they step inside your best friends quarters, your heart beat surely loud enough to hear.

The door closes, and Adrion clicks the lock closed swiftly, signifying that this is really about to happen.

"If you are uncomfortable, with anything at all, just tell us. We will stop."

Bills voice is soft, his demeanor strikingly gentle despite how wound up he was just moments ago when it was just the two of you alone.

"Ok, got it." Is all you can really choke out, hands shaking and eyes diverting everywhere except to the two beautiful men stood in front of you.

"You look nervous, sugar. Are you ok with us touching you now? Would that be ok?"

You finally meet Adrions gaze, his dark eyes filled with a sense of protection for you as he looks you over. It warms your heart if you're honest, along with his pet name.

"Yes, that would be ok." You glance up at Bill, and within the seconds you meet his eyes, it's as if silent words have been spoken, only for the two of you.

Adrion and your best friend share a small glance before advancing, the raven haired boy making himself comfortable behind you as Bill cups your cheeks.

In a split second it's ecstasy, lips on lips and lips on your body. Everything feels like a rush of adrenaline, from Adrions slender fingers dancing along the small of your waist as his plush, warm lips taste your neck.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now