NSFW slight mention of sexual situations you might not be comfortable with (I'm srs you've been warned)
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• Him being over protective and possessive over you, because he doesn't want anyone else taking what's his
• Really rough sex when he's had a long day and just wants to take his frustrations out (only if you're in the mood for it though, because he never wants to put you in a position where you're uncomfortable)
• Hugs from behind always because he loves having you in his arms and pressing himself to your back
• Neck kissed whenever he can, leaving purple marks and you scolding him, saying "Roman, do you really want people seeing me look all purple and blue?" He'd snicker and kiss your lips briskly "Guess I'll have to put them where only you and I can see, then."
• When he's really had a rough day, he'd want nothing more than to come home and plop himself between your legs while you run your fingers through his flowy locks
• But he'd be too embarrassed to admit it because he's never been in love like he is with you and it's such a new emotion for him
• So his eyes would light up when you'd walk up to him and kiss him all over his handsome face (something he acts like he hates it he secretly loves) before walking to the bed and doing grabby hands at him so he knows he can come and rest in your embrace
• He'd fall asleep while you massage his scalp, heavy figure slumped over your body and soft breaths escaping his pouty lips as his head rests on your chest; large arms wrapped around your figure as a means of making sure you're still there with him when he wakes up
• Taking baths with him, your body placed between his slender legs as his large hands run over your body and disrupt the foamy bubbles that have formed because of the vanilla scented soap
• You'd pretend to be annoyed at him and his wandering touch, but you'd secretly love it
• Doing face masks on him (after begging him for an hour, because he likes seeing you beg and become all frustrated when you don't have your way)
• Giving each other massages
• When he'd give you a massage, his hands would be everywhere, from up on your shoulders; applying just the right amount of pressure, to your lower back where he'd massage the area in circles with his thumb, then over your bum and between your legs where he'd show extra love
• You'd scowl at him, saying "Roman, stop being a horndog." He'd chuckle and trail his hands back up, leaning his towering figure over to whisper in your ear; hot breath fanning over your neck "Sorry, can't help it. Woof woof."