Magic fingers

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He's pounding into your saturated entrance, the tip of his cock hitting every bundle of nerves deep within you

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He's pounding into your saturated entrance, the tip of his cock hitting every bundle of nerves deep within you. Your hands are gripping onto his sweat glistened biceps; firm and flexed as he holds his heavy weight up on either side of you, free hand on the back of your neck for leverage. Your orgasm has already been hit nearly half an hour before, but he still needs his, and your body is feeling the excruciatingly pleasurable effects of overstimulation.

He lets out breathy groans through his nose as he releases, body stiffening as he convulses and lets his essence spill into you. He's gripping onto you, jaw clenching as huffs escape his pouty lips, cock twitching and throbbing inside of you. He smashes his lips to yours, your tongues connecting fiercely as your ribbed walls milk him and your thighs clench around his taut waist-

The ache between your legs wakes you up out of your restless slumber, body hot and the silky white sheets feeling all too heavy as you toss and turn under them. You let out a nearly inaudible groan, or maybe it's more a moan really. Bill feels your weight shifting beside him feverishly, causing his eyes to flutter open themselves as scrunches his face up and rolls over to see what has you so uneasy.

You're awake now, cheeks flushed and thighs clamped together as you lay on your side, eyes going a bit wide as you see that your boyfriend is awake; and slightly concerned once he sees the expression on your red face. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asks with a gentle tone, not having a clue as to what is actually going on with you as he props himself up on his elbow and reaches over to briskly stroke your warm cheek with the soft pad of his thumb.

His chestnut colored hair is disheveled from sleep, lips swollen and pink from lying on his arm. (A habit he has yet to break, it's just something he does, if he's not rolling over and resting his face against you in his sleep.) His bright green eyes are nearly emerald in the dim, moon light lit room, and you suddenly remember every detail of the dream that has you so worked up as you stare over at the large, limber man.

"Yea I'm- I had a dream, it woke me up." You fumble, rubbing your eyes as you try to focus on something else other than the throb in your core. He notices your legs shifting slightly, and his eyes flicker over your body, uncovered by the thin sheets. "You can tell me how you're feeling, don't be embarrassed." He softly coos, eyes moving back up to meet your gaze as his slender fingers gently comb through your hair, lightly massaging your scalp at the nape.

You feel the wetness gathering in your entrance threatening to spill into your soft cotton underwear, and you just can't take it any longer. "I just- I really need you." You practically whine out, climbing over to his side and throwing a leg over his narrow waist; hands gripping at his broad shoulders as your lips needfully connect to his.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now