Happy Birthday

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Dedicated to my BBY PinkMaggit cause it's her birthday today! 💘💞💗

Hope everyone enjoys as well! I loved writing this one, omg
The comforter that your body is under is warm and heavy, the sun peeking through the curtains of you and Bills shared room; illuminating your features. You are peacefully asleep, chest moving up and down timidly as small breaths come from your mouth, but you are woken up by the feeling of lips, all over your face.

You can feel plushness, like soft small pillows caressing your cheeks and leaving little wet marks. A sleepy smile breaks across your face as you groggily peel your eyes open, squinting as you let out a tired groan and begin to shuffle. "Bill?" You ask, feeling a heavy figure on top of your body, offering you little space to move under as you shift and turn over on your back to face him.

"Happy birthday angel." His low, tranquil voice says, as he leans down and pecks you on the lips; a feeling that instantly soothes your morning crankiness. You let out a sigh of relief through your nose, reaching up to tangle your hands in his soft, honey brown locks. He groans against your lips, wanting to continue, but having too much in store for the day. "I made breakfast, come eat with me." He says against your mouth, breaking away with a giddy, joyous grin that leaves you wondering what in the hell he has planned.

"Mkay, give me a minute." You say with a giggle as his large hands wrap around your arms to gently help you up, watching as you rub your eyes and give his chest an affectionate pat before you crawl out of bed, feet hitting the cold hardwood floor as you saunter off to the bathroom.

"Nice underwear!" He yells, just before you close the door. "Thanks, you bought them!" You yell back, both of you chuckling as you do so. (They are his favorite lace ones that he can never get enough of, he says they hug your hips perfectly.) It takes you around 10 minutes in the bathroom, since you need to brush your teeth and comb your hair, wash your face etc. when you exit, you notice Bill isn't in the bedroom, so you figure he's in the kitchen.

You pull on a pair of comfy pajama bottoms from your dresser, and make your way out of your room. As you turn the coroner, you see him, right where you suspected, putting some fruit toppings on two pancakes; his limber body adorned in his signature fitted black jeans and a loose grey T shirt. He looks like a dream come true right in front of you.

"Don't forget the whipped cream smile." You say with a giggle, causing him to peel his head up and look at you; the same wide grin across his pink lips. "Oh I would never forget that, how could I?" He replies with a chuckle, opening his long arms as you come closer to his towering figure.

He instantly buries you in his embrace, the heavenly scent of his cologne filling your senses, as well as the feeling of his sweater soft against your cheek. You wrap your own arms around his narrow waist and he rocks you two back and forth for a moment, both of you just enjoying each other. "Sit down, I'll get the whipped cream." His voice says, slightly muffled due to your head being so close to his chest. "Ok." You reply with a laugh, reluctantly breaking away and taking a seat on one of the bar stools behind the counter.

You watch with your chin in your palm, elbow against the hard surface below you, as he opens the fridge and gets the can out, closing the fridge while shaking the object and popping the cap as he comes back to the counter. He smirks widely as he begins to put the cream on top of the pancakes, being extremely generous with the amount, though you don't stop him. "Perfect." He says to himself once he's done, and it's now that you notice just how cute he looks, hair pushed back and falling out of its neat styling just enough to frame his high cheeks.

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