Morning prod

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You are peacefully asleep beside your boyfriend Bill, small breaths coming from your lips as your chest slowly rises and falls back down

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You are peacefully asleep beside your boyfriend Bill, small breaths coming from your lips as your chest slowly rises and falls back down. Bill was asleep just moments ago, until a heat, a burning pressure even, woke him out of his slumber. A guttural groan escaped his plump lips as he looked down, seeing the tent that has formed under the covers; feeling the painful, throbbing stiffness that his length has become so early in the morning.

You're brought out of a pleasant dream, eyes fluttering open before squinting at the sunlight as you adjust to your surroundings. You know something woke you up, but you are quite sure what yet, until you realize a lean pair of heavy arms is draped over your covered figure; a firm, rounded hardness poking at your lower back as sloppy kisses are being placed on your exposed shoulder (due to your shirt being pulled down in your sleep because of your constant shifting.)

"Bill?" Your tired voice says, as you rub your eyes with your knuckles and your legs rustle underneath the warm covers. "G'morning, really need you." He simply states, soft lips trailing up your neck and clavicle, making you hum in satisfaction as you feel little wet marks against your skin. You know exactly what he means, as his large and gentle hands find yours, intertwining your fingers as his hips rut against your backside; lurching you forward just a bit because of his large stature.

That sleepy, dreamy state begins to leave your body as your skin is enticed by his touch, his slender fingertips beginning get to run down your arm as they detach from their previous intertwined state. "Bill, it's so early." You state with a slight hint of amusement on your face; though you know he can't see it. Your body is no doubt responding to his movements, your heart beating faster and cheeks getting hot, but you love to tease him and deny him what he wants since he gets what he desires so often.

A hot wave of air hits your neck as he huffs, his shin rubbing against your leg as he tries to deal with his arousal. "Please, I need to feel you." He coaxes, still peppering open mouth kisses to your skin. You know how it is for him when he first wakes up, or even how it is for most guys, length become hard and tip becoming swollen as a feverish yearning flows through him. The thought of this makes you ache between your thighs.

You lazily turn over, the oversized shirt you're wearing rising up as you are met with the rosy hued, broody face that belongs to your boyfriend. His light brown hair is disheveled from his restless morning, upper and lower half bare since he prefers to sleep in the nude. "You're just a needy man aren't you?" You say with a playful smile, halfway climbing on top of his towering, limber figure.

"Only for you." He says back, eyes searching your face for any idea on what you're going to do. Your hands are on his smooth chest, the soft skin warm underneath your fingertips. You lean in slowly, placing a firm kiss to his pillowy lips as a sigh of relief is let out through his nose. You bring your right leg up, draping it over his narrow waist; his hard member resting against your bare thigh as you do so.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now