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Smut warning ⚠️
If you are uncomfortable with sexual themes or situations, please exit and feel free to read some of my other imagines
Otherwise-enjoy ya filthy animals

You felt the hot water run down your body, mounds of foam from your hair dripping down and making white streams of shampoo run down the drain.

You were so caught up rinsing your hair that you jumped when you felt a pair of strong, firm hands rest on your waist, belonging to your boyfriend bill.

Goosebumps appeared on your skin, an effect he had on you even after years of dating. You felt his warm presence behind you, pressing himself to your back. You felt your cheeks heat up at the feeling of his hard member against you.

He brought his hands up your body and his lips down to your ear, his low and husky voice like a melody you always wanted to listen to. "Need you so bad princess." He murmured, pressing soft, wet kisses to the hot skin of your neck.

You let out a pleasure filled sigh, savoring the feeling of his mouth on your skin. "Is that so?" You said in a teasing voice, a giggle coming from your lips. "Mhm." He mumbled, making his way down your shoulders before turning you around.

Your eyes met his beautiful face, his own eyes filled with lust and desire, as if he was starving and you were the meal. He pulled you closer, your chest pressed against his upper abdomen and his hand placed on your cheek, moving it down and running a finger across your bottom lip.

"You look so fucking beautiful." He said, in awe as he stared at your wet body. You couldn't help but to admire his own beauty, water droplets magnifying parts of his skin and his body glistening. He was heartbreakingly good looking, and he was yours.

He leaned down, pressing his plump lips to yours, finally. You closed your eyes, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, his skin smooth and soft.

You felt his hands roaming your body, a groan eliciting from his lips as you softly bit his bottom lip. "Turn around for me." He said huskily as you both broke apart. You saw it in his eyes, he hadn't even touched you and he was already fucked for you.

You did as he asked, turning and pressing your hands against the tiled wall. His tall figure came behind you, his lips kissing your shoulders sweetly, giving the skin small nibbles making you let out a moan.

His large hands moved down your back until they got to your ass, giving it a rub, and his eyes admiring your state. He leaned down, pressing kisses to your neck. You felt yourself getting unbearably aroused, wetness dripping down your thighs.

"Please, just fuck me bill." You said, a querulous tone in your voice. "Are you sure?" He asked, teasing you. "Yes, fuck, yes." You said, your heart rate quickening and your need for him growing stronger.

He needed you just as much, but always had to tease you just a bit. You felt one of his long fingers glide up your wet folds, making you let out a light gasp. "Such a pretty pussy." He said, his words making heat run straight to your core. There was surely a smirk on his broody features.

You then felt one of his large hands grip your waist, the other taking his member in his hands and teasing your entrance with the pink tip. You let out a groan, wanting him so bad you were beginning to shake a bit.

That's when you felt him slide in, your walls hugging him tightly but your wetness making it easier. "Fuck baby." He said breathlessly, both of his hands now gripping your waist.

The feeling of him was one you could never get enough of, he wasn't even fully in you but you were already reeling. That's when he bottomed out, fully sliding into you, his pelvic bone grinding against you.

"Mm, please." You cried out. "Please what y/n." He said, coming closer to you, his back pressed against you and his lips at your ear. "Faster." You said. You could feel the heat of his body against you, making the whole experience more intensified.

"Prop your leg up for me princess." He said, and you did as he asked. His large hands gripped your thigh, pulling it up and giving you both a new angle.

He began to thrust in and out of you at an even pace. You could hear small moans coming from his perfect lips as his hips moved. He began to move even faster, water cascading over both of your bodies, pleasure filling you both up to a level that was indescribable.

Moments like this were so real, so raw and full of lust and passion. He was pressed against you and relentlessly thrusting into you, giving you pleasure you almost couldn't handle. He loved seeing you like this, Pressed up against the wall, sweet whimpers coming from your lips that he adored. You wrapped around him perfectly, your walls clenching around him and making it incredibly hard not to cum right then and there. He only wanted you for the rest of his life.

His long arms wrapped around you, his head nuzzled into your neck and his hands coming to the front of you. His fingers reached down and rubbed your clit in circles, bringing you closer to the edge.

"You feel s'good baby." He stuttered, his own pleasure making it hard to focus. His hips moved faster now, the sound of water and moans echoing through the walls of the apartment.

"I'm gonna cum bill, please don't stop." You cried out. Your begs drove him fucking mad in the best way possible, he felt himself throbbing as he pounded into you, your wetness covering his dick from the beginning of his shaft to his tip. 

The angle that he was at was hitting your g spot perfectly, and his fingers rubbed circles on your clit with just the right amount of pressure. Sometimes it occurred to you in waves, that this beautiful man was your boyfriend, and that the two of you were being so beautifully intimate. It was a rush of excitement, and love, and lust at the same time in moments like this.

"Fuck, I'm cumming." You moaned out, mind numbing pleasure rushing over your center, making your legs start to wobble as his fingers stayed on your sensitive clit and he continued to thrust into your throbbing walls.

"I'm close, fuck." He moaned, your fingers intertwining in the front of you as he came closer to his orgasm. Hearing his moans, and feeling him not only made your heart flutter, but made your center heat up again. Knowing you had this effect on such a gorgeous man made your cheeks hot. And the best part was that he was the love of your life.

"Mm, fuck y/n." He groaned, gripping onto you tighter as warmth filled you up, his hips bucking into you. You could picture the sight behind you perfectly, his eyes shut and mouth agape slightly as he took in the immense amount of agonizing pleasure he was feeling.

He gave a few more sloppy thrusts before pulling out, peppering sweet kisses on your shoulders. You turned around, his arms keeping you from falling as you looked up at him. He leaned down, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips, now swollen from biting on them so frequently.

"You're amazing, I love you so much." He said when you two broke apart, his hands moving wet hair from your face. "Likewise baby, I love you too." You said back, both of you smiling like idiots. "Good thing we're in the shower huh? Now we can wash off." He said with a chuckle, his hands still placed on your cheeks.

"You're right, dirty boy." You said teasingly, reaching up to kiss his soft lips again. The two of you washed off, still not being able to keep your hands off of each other in the process. You loved feeling one another and being close in general, and both of you felt luckier than ever to have each other.

Hi! I hope you guys enjoyed this smut👀 cause I did, and I hope you are all having an amazing day/afternoon/night. Love you all and Thankyou for all of the support lovelies❤️❤️❤️❤️-xx ps. This imagine came about when I was in the shower, thinking of bill lmao

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