Devil-Roman Godfrey

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Warning: angst ahead

They say that the devil in human form is the most beautiful vision of art when he's face to face with you

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They say that the devil in human form is the most beautiful vision of art when he's face to face with you. He is everything you've ever wanted, everything you've ever dreamed of, everything your heart has ever yearned for and screamed for in the depths of your loneliness and need. Everyone has their own devil, he never wears just one face.

Your devil stands at 6'4, with blazing emerald eyes and cheekbones so high, you can see the reflection of the sun when he stands in the golden hours light. His lips are pink and full, and spill forth with lies and deception. His hands are full of poison and the venom seeps through his blood; one touch, and you'll never be the same as you were before you came into contact with him.

His name is Roman Godfrey, and at one point in time, he was the only person you could think about. He had swayed you with his words, his tongue like silk and his gaze like a vulture ready to attack. You fell in love with him quickly, and completely unrestrained. You accepted him as who he was, your care never faltering even when he made mistakes that he would regret for the rest of his life. He was nearly your first everything, first love, first heartbreak.

He broke things off suddenly before he moved into his own house, and by breaking things off, you mean he told you that everything he ever felt for you was a lie, that he just wanted to take a spin with the girl in town who he knew was fragile and kind hearted enough to fall in love with a monster like him. You remember the night like it was yesterday, the way his voice sounded so rigid and cruel, the unfaltering inhumanness of his tone that still makes your skin crawl to this day.

"I can't do this, I don't want to be with you anymore." He says through gritted teeth, his black attire making his green eyes seem a vicious shade of emerald and jade. Your breath is caught in your throat, his sudden statement being so arbitrary and unannounced it almost gives you whiplash.

He's standing in the middle of his room, fists clenched and chest heaving as he looks down at you, towering figure making you feel weak and small; a feeling you hate more than anything because Roman is supposed to be the one person who makes you feel safe and protected.

You try to fight back the tears that burn your throat, and you try to push back that sharp, intrusive pain in your chest but it just doesn't go away. "What do you mean? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" You ask feverishly, trying to search for something in his eyes that lets you know why he's doing this. He turns away for a moment, jaw clenching as he takes a deep breath and turns back to face you; long legs carrying him to your shaken figure nearly immediately.

The dimness of the room combined with the raging orange sun that's setting outside and peeking through the window, makes your heart ache in a strange, nostalgic way. Sunsets are supposed to be happy, and beautiful, and vibrant, but now sunsets will always have a dark, painful memory burned through the holes in your mind.

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now