Hey guys I really loved writing this, and I hope you all like it as well!
Edit: I'm just now realizing how incredibly cheesy and cringey this first part is, I promise it gets better throughout the chapters lmao
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"Ms. Y/n, do you know why you are here today?" The older man asks, his hair balding in the middle and the smell of his suffocating cologne wafting towards your nose.
"No, not really. I needed a job and put my applications everywhere, and then I got an email saying I would be perfect for this, I just don't know what 'this' is." You replied, your heart hammering behind your ribcage as you nervously looked at the short man in front of you.
The building you were in was vast, and nearly looked like a castle of sorts. A year ago your parents cut you off, completely. You had been dating a guy that they didn't like and so they kicked you out, which hurt like hell obviously. You were 20 now, and the 100 dollar paycheck you got while working at the local coffee shop wasn't going to cut it.
So now you were here, in a room that looked like something out of a renaissance painting, sitting at a huge red oak desk. The brisk tongued man leaned over, adjusting the cuffs of his black sleeves as he shifted his weight.
"The pay is 6,000 dollars, in cash, every two weeks." He begins, and your eyes widen as an audible gasp leaves your lips. "Sir, I'm not a prostitute or anything-" you begin to frantically explain, thoughts running wild with what he thought he would have you doing for that type of cash.
He laughs, running two chubby fingers over his mustache before he speaks again. "Doll, it's not prostitution, although whatever happens between you two is fully confidential." He says, scooting closer to the table. You two? What was he talking about?
"What we are involved with is dangerous, we work for a branch of government that you don't hear about. We have special agents, assassins, people who do the governments dirty work." He says. Your stomach feels like it's in your throat and you don't know if you should listen, or get up and run. He is obviously a lunatic.
"And you expect me to believe that?" You ask with a laugh in disbelief. He looks at you with serious eyes, before saying, "Go to that wall over there and press the red button, maybe the sight of 500 fully equipped military grade assault rifles will ease your suspicions." He replies, not a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
Your eyes grow wide and you swallow thickly. You don't have to press the button to know he wasn't lying, the place is huge and every door has a lock. What the fuck did you get yourself into? "Where do I fit in with all of this?" You ash hastily, anxiety creeping through you now.
He nods, folding his chubby hands together. "We have an agent. He's the best in the business, he knows his shit and gets the job done like no one else. In this world, everyone knows everyone, and he's....taken care of some of our opposers team members, and so he has a target on his back. But the thing is that, when they see eye candy, they are less likely to strike. The men who are our enemies, we call them the Savs, when they see that we have something they want, it gives them something to do." He explains, before you interrupt him.