Special treatment

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An AU in which Bill is a dance instructor filling in for your usual teacher

Things get spicy folks

and enjoy

You knew the schedule like the back of your hand, when to wake up so you could eat your breakfast and have enough time to say hi to Mrs. Louise in the window of her flower shop before you arrived at rehearsals, when to come in to the studio and change into your tights and dancing attire so Mr. Daniels wouldn't yell at you for not being ready. Mr. Daniels is your usual dance instructor, one of the best in the ballet industry.

He doesn't ever admit it, but he loves you and the group like his own children in many ways. That's why it took a lot of strength for him to actually take a vacation, which you and all of the other girls were adamant about. He deserved to take a break, it is his honeymoon after all. Him and his now husband Collin are in the Bahamas currently, yet that thought seems to leave your mind as soon as you step into the practice room and see an unfamiliar figure in the far right corner.

You have arrived early, something that you hadn't intended to do. As soon as your feet hit the polished hardwood floor, the figure turns, and you completely forget to not gawk as he comes into full view. Even from ten feet away, you seem to catch every detail of his face; the sharp, angular cheekbones and the pout that rests just below his nose. His eyes are what catch you off guard, the green irises like jade colored headlights.

A curious, almost enticed smile creeps up onto the pink pair of lips that you have become suddenly fond of, his long strides towards you forcing you to examine his full stature. He's tall, very tall. His body is lean and lithe yet built, and he definitely must be a dancer of some sort. He's simply too beautiful to be just an average person.

"You must be one of the dancers. I'm Bill, filling in for Marcus. You guys call him Mr. Daniels." He holds his hand out for you to shake, which you do, trying not to gawk any further at the gorgeous man whom you have just learned is your instructor. Be professional, he's probably used to people drooling over him.

You still can't help the butterflies that form in your belly as his hand makes contact with your own, the size of his, a massive juxtaposition to your own. His are rough yet soft and warm enough for the feeling to linger even when your palms disconnect.

"Yes, my name is y/n. It's nice to meet you." you bow your head slightly and he returns the respectful mannerism, his smirk still catching you by surprise the more you look up at him. "Pretty, and so is your name." his eyes hold a mysterious sense of confidence, being fueled even more so by the look of sudden shock on your features at his statement; which he considers to be wholeheartedly true despite the unintentionally cockiness that exudes from him.

"Y/n, as much as i'm enjoying your company, i'm sorry to inform you that today is Saturday. There is no practice." his hands are behind his back, his countenance amused and still very curious as he looks down at you and the bag slung over your shoulder. "Oh I know sir, I like to come in on the weekends and do some extra stretches, especially since I haven't been doing this as long as the other girls and I still wanna be just as capable."

You find your cheeks getting flushed from embarrassment as you realize you have just said all of that out loud, directly to your ethereal fill in instructor. Way to go, you are so good at socializing. You mentally scold yourself as he chuckles, a sound that fills your belly with even more butterflies that are completely unnecessary.

"Well I find that very smart. I can help you, if you'd like." his head quirks to the side, his voice genuine and as professional as it could be. Your heart skips a beat in your chest, the idea that this is all even unfolding making your head spin. "W-with my stretches?' he chuckles and brings his long, lean arms to his sides, his tone becoming softer so it doesn't make you feel so nervous. "I know I may not look like much, but I have a bachelors degree in both physical therapy and athletic training. But if it would make you uncomfortable, I completely understand."

Bill Skarsgård • Roman Godfrey Imagines Where stories live. Discover now