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"You know, for someone who is supposed to understand me more than anyone else," You shrug the fluffy wool fabric from your shoulders, giggling. "you sure did get me a heavy blanket. I said I was chilly, not hypothermic."
The creature smiles, a familiar, etherial glow gleaming off of his alabaster skin in the setting sun.
"Well, despite my profession, I do not really understand humans very well."
His voice always sounds as if it's only moments away from dissappearing, the melodic bass more like an echo than a tone of speaking.
You both look out at the horizon, and you ponder for a moment about all the sunsets you've watched with him this year.
Each a vision of Earth's favorite colours- lilac and butterscotch, sometimes baby pink and vermilion.
"Why do you think you came into my life?"
Although the question is random, he is quite used to your incessant curiosity regarding anything and everything that has to do with his being.
He won't ever forget your reaction when seeing his wings, the first question out of your mouth being- "DO THOSE RETRACT LIKE CLAWS? LIKE, INTO YOUR BACK? THATS DOPE AS HELL."
He scolded you for a good week.
"Well," he takes a deep breath, "there's an old piece of literature where I'm from-"
"Yes, heaven." The corner of his lips twitch with the urge to smile.
"Anyways," he gives you a brief, playful glare. "there's a saying, and it's been through tons of translation for every new generation of angels."
You watch him with your knees tucked to your chest, eyes wide with anticipation.
"We become what we yearn for, it's not meant to be taken as literal as it sounds when translated into English."
"Well, to your best ability, explain it to me." You scoot closer to his figure without thought, seeking the warm that emits from him like a lantern.
He smirks, looking down at his folded hands. The need to look at you is like a hunger, but he knows his face will give it away.
"My kind, we are created for a purpose, much like you," He wets his plump lips with his tongue. "but the guardians, we protect what we yearn for, what our souls crave to be, what we seek to love."
Your throat tightens, and he doesn't even notice what he has said yet.
"From the day we are reborn, it is our ultimate goal to seek the one that we..." He struggles, knowing the jig is up.
But his time is almost up with you, and if he doesn't tell you now then what will this have been worth? Well, every minute with you has been worth it, but he's heard about how human souls work.
It has got to be now.
"We protect what we love. What we are meant to love. What we yearn for."
You gasp, and it's audible. This is all so...casual? This was meant to be another one of your incessant intrusions of his life story.
And he loves you.
"Are you saying-"
The air seems to get chillier, but you feel warm behind your ribcage as fire burns the tips of your fingers.
"Bill, look at me so I don't think this is a dream."
And he does, look at you. Because now he realizes he can. You know, and no matter what he will protect you.
He's never really feared anything before this, though. Suddenly he feels as if he might disintegrate, because what if you don't want him? Or worse, what if you demand he leaves? He can't say no if you truly want him gone and-
Your hand is on his face.
His breath stutters, and he can feel you shaking.
You never believed in anything before him, before this. But you can't deny it now, because you see heaven in his eyes and feel the rush of euphoria in your veins.
"Will I explode if I kiss you?"
He laughs, and then you laugh, and soon your belly hurts because you're both doubled over eachother with tears streaming down your cheeks from your fit of hysterics.
Your hand grazes his wide shoulder blade, and you gasp when you feel his wing twitch underneath your touch, his body suddenly feeling ten times hotter than it was before.
And then you kiss him, because despite him not answering your previous question due to laughing, you're pretty sure you're fine with exploding if it means you get to feel his lips on yours.
And to be honest, you're pretty sure you might have just died? Because no one ever told you that kissing an angel would make you feel like you're floating on air and-
"Oh! Im sorry!" You return to the ground in his arms, and you suddenly realize you were actually floating.
"Did you just-"
"Yes, I've never, uh, yeah I didn't know that would happen."
Now you're laughing again, except your arms are around his neck and your mouths are touching again, telling a story as your hands play with the feathers peaking through the fabric of whatever weird shawl thing angels wear.
When you've gotten too overwhelmed to continue, you part with a sweet sigh, almost unable to look up at him in fear you might pass out at the fact that you've just kissed something so magnificent.
That something so beautiful loves you.
And now he feels a sting in his chest as he looks down at your lovely, blissful face, a bitter reminder of what's to come.
Oh how he wishes he could spend eternity with you.
But there is a reason that the sun cannot exist with the stars at the same time.